document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
// Replace with your Mapbox token
const MAPBOX_TOKEN = 'pk.eyJ1Ijoic29sdXRlZ3JhdGUiLCJhIjoiY202OGR2ZTR0MDJybDJub2ZnYWdkc2Z1OCJ9._nBtOlEV03qvmEcvZY2iRQ';
(async function (token, key) {
await geoflo.init(MAPBOX_TOKEN, { container: 'map', controls: true });
buildLegend();, function (event) { logEvent(event); });
function buildLegend () {
const legendList = document.getElementById("legend-list");
const buttons = [
{ class: "geoflo-select", label: "Select Feature" },
{ class: "geoflo-refresh", label: "Refresh/Redraw Map" },
{ class: "geoflo-repeat", label: "Repeat Draw Mode" },
{ class: "geoflo-zoom-in-features", label: "Zoom To Features" },
{ class: "geoflo-export", label: "Export Features" },
{ class: "geoflo-import", label: "Import Features" },
{ class: "geoflo-delete-data", label: "Delete Features" },
{ class: "mapbox-gl-draw_line", label: "Draw Line" },
{ class: "mapbox-gl-draw_polygon", label: "Draw Polygon" },
{ class: "mapbox-gl-draw_rectangle", label: "Draw Rectangle" },
{ class: "mapbox-gl-draw_point", label: "Draw Point" },
{ class: "mapbox-gl-draw_text", label: "Draw Text" },
{ class: "mapbox-gl-draw_icon", label: "Draw Icon" },
{ class: "geoflo-snapping-enabled", label: "Snapping Enabled" },
{ class: "geoflo-pinning-enabled", label: "Pinning Enabled" },
{ class: "geoflo-routing-enabled", label: "Routing Enabled" },
{ class: "geoflo-exploring-enabled", label: "Exploring Enabled" },
{ class: "geoflo-painting-enabled", label: "Painting Enabled" },
/* { class: "mapboxgl-ctrl-fullscreen", label: "Fullscreen" },
{ class: "mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate", label: "Locate User" },
{ class: "mapboxgl-ctrl-zoom-in", label: "Zoom In" },
{ class: "mapboxgl-ctrl-zoom-out", label: "Zoom Out" },
{ class: "mapboxgl-style-switcher", label: "Map Styles" } */
buttons.forEach(button => {
const listItem = document.createElement("li");
const icon = document.createElement("div");
icon.className = button.class;
const label = document.createElement("span");
label.textContent = button.label;
function logEvent(event) {
const eventLog = document.getElementById("event-log-content");
const timeStamp = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();
const logMessage = `[${timeStamp}] ${}`;
const logEntry = document.createElement("div");
logEntry.textContent = logMessage;
while (eventLog.childNodes.length > 50) { eventLog.removeChild(eventLog.firstChild); }
eventLog.scrollTop = eventLog.scrollHeight;