* @mixin
* @memberof module:geoflo
* @name Mesh
* @description This module provides the mesh functionality for the Geoflo application. It allows users to create a mesh of features by splitting them into segments and checking for intersections.
* @param {Array} originalFeatures - An array of features to be added to the mesh.
* @param {boolean} linesOnly - A flag indicating whether only lines should be added to the mesh.
* @returns {Object} Returns the Mesh object.
const Mesh = function (originalFeatures, linesOnly) {
var segmentId = 1;
var allSegments = [];
var featureIndex = {};
const geoflo = this.geoflo;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Mesh
* @name addNewFeatures
* @description This function takes new features, splits them into segments, checks for intersections, and updates the existing segments accordingly.
* @param {Array} features - An array of new features to be added.
* @return {Array} Returns an array containing all mesh segments.
this.addNewFeatures = function(features) {
var allNewFeatures = splitAndCheckForIntersections(features);
var newSegments = splitIntoTwoPointSegmentsAndAddIds(allNewFeatures);
var segmentsWithCutPoints = checkForIntersections(newSegments, allSegments);
allSegments = [].concat(geoflo.Utilities.consumableArray(cutSegments(allSegments, segmentsWithCutPoints)), geoflo.Utilities.consumableArray(cutSegments(newSegments, segmentsWithCutPoints)));
return this.getFeatures();
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Mesh
* @name getFeatures
* @description Returns all of the features in the mesh.
* @return {Array} Returns an array containing all feature segments.
this.getFeatures = function() {
return allSegments;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Mesh
* @name splitSegmentAtPoint
* @description This function takes a segment ID and coordinates of a point to split the segment. It creates two new segments by splitting the original segment at the specified point and updates the feature index.
* @param {string} segmentId - The ID of the segment to be split.
* @param {Array<number>} pointCoords - The coordinates of the point where the segment should be split.
this.splitSegmentAtPoint = function(segmentId, pointCoords) {
var feature = featureIndex[segmentId];
if (feature !== undefined) {
var pos = allSegments.indexOf(feature);
allSegments.splice(pos, 1);
var line1 = createLineWithLength([pointCoords, feature.geometry.coordinates[0]]);
var line2 = createLineWithLength([pointCoords, feature.geometry.coordinates[1]]);
allSegments.push(line1, line2);
} else {
console.error("splitSegmentAtPoint: no original feature for id ", segmentId);
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Mesh
* @name getFeaturesFromIndex
* @description This function takes an array of features and retrieves the corresponding features from an index based on their IDs.
* @param {Array} features - The array of features to retrieve from the index.
* @returns {Array} The array of features retrieved from the index.
this.getFeaturesFromIndex = function(features) {
var result = [];
features.forEach(function(feature) {
var id = feature.id || feature.properties.id;
var originalFeature = featureIndex[id];
if (originalFeature !== undefined) {
return result;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Mesh
* @name getFeatureById
* @description Retrieves a feature by its ID.
* @param {number} id - The ID of the feature to retrieve.
* @returns {object} The feature object corresponding to the provided ID.
this.getFeatureById = function(id) {
return getFeatureById(id);
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Mesh
* @name getFeaturesByParentId
* @description Retrieves features based on the parent ID. The parent ID is used to retrieve cold features associated with the segment.
* @param {number} id - The parent ID to retrieve features for.
* @returns {Array} - An array of features associated with the parent ID.
this.getFeaturesByParentId = function(id) {
return getFeaturesByParentId(id);
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Mesh
* @name removeFeature
* @description Removes a feature with the specified ID.
* @param {number} id - The ID of the feature to be removed.
* @returns {boolean} - Returns true if the feature was successfully removed, false otherwise.
this.removeFeature = function (id) {
return removeFeature(id);
if (originalFeatures) allSegments = splitAndCheckForIntersections(originalFeatures);
function addFeatureToIndex(feature, parent) {
if (featureIndex[segmentId] || getFeatureById(segmentId)) return false;
featureIndex[segmentId] = feature;
feature.id = segmentId;
feature.parent = parent;
geoflo.Utilities.setProperty(feature, 'id', segmentId);
geoflo.Utilities.setProperty(feature, 'parent', parent);
return true;
function addClickSegementsToMesh() {
if (!geoflo.options.snapping.enable) return false;
var meshFeatures = [];
if (geoflo.Mesh && geoflo.closestPoint && geoflo.closestPoint.borders && geoflo.closestPoint.id !== undefined) {
geoflo.Mesh.splitSegmentAtPoint(geoflo.closestPoint.id, geoflo.closestPoint.coords);
if (geoflo.snapFeature) {
if (geoflo.snapFeature.geometry.type === "LineString") {
if (!geoflo.Utilities.isEmptyLineString(geoflo.snapFeature)) {
} else if (geoflo.snapFeature.geometry.type === "Point") {
geoflo.Utilities.setProperty(geoflo.snapFeature, 'startPoint', true);
geoflo.startPoint = geoflo.Utilities.cloneDeep(geoflo.snapFeature);
if (meshFeatures.length > 0) geoflo.addFeaturesToMesh(meshFeatures);
function coordinatesToLineStrings(coords, result, parent) {
var firstPoint = turf.truncate(turf.point(coords[0]), { precision: 7, coordinates: 2, mutate: true });
var secondPoint = null;
for (var index = 1; index < coords.length; index++) {
secondPoint = turf.truncate(turf.point(coords[index]), { precision: 7, coordinates: 2, mutate: true });
if (!geoflo.Utilities.isPointEqual(firstPoint.geometry.coordinates, secondPoint.geometry.coordinates)) {
var line = turf.lineString([firstPoint.geometry.coordinates, secondPoint.geometry.coordinates]);
var added = addFeatureToIndex(line, parent);
added ? result.push(line) : false;
firstPoint = secondPoint;
function splitIntoTwoPointSegmentsAndAddIds(features) {
var result = [];
if (!features || !features.length) return result;
features.forEach(function(feature) {
var type = feature.geometry.type;
var id = feature.parent || feature.properties.parent || feature.id || feature.properties.id;
var added;
if (linesOnly && type !== "LineString" && !feature.properties.unfill) {
feature = geoflo.Utilities.cloneDeep(feature);
added = addFeatureToIndex(feature, id);
return added ? result.push(feature) : false;
if (type === "MultiPolygon") {
feature.geometry.coordinates.forEach(function(coords) {
coords.forEach(function(subCoords) {
coordinatesToLineStrings(subCoords, result, id);
} else if (type === "Polygon") {
feature.geometry.coordinates.forEach(function(coords) {
coordinatesToLineStrings(coords, result, id);
} else if (type === "MultiLineString") {
feature.geometry.coordinates.forEach(function(coords) {
coordinatesToLineStrings(coords, result, id);
} else if (type === "LineString") {
coordinatesToLineStrings(feature.geometry.coordinates, result, id);
} else if (type === "Point") {
feature = geoflo.Utilities.cloneDeep(feature);
added = addFeatureToIndex(feature, id);
added ? result.push(feature) : false;
return result;
function appendCutFeatures(segmentsWithCutPoints, feature, cutPointFeatures) {
var id = feature.id || feature.properties.id;
var segCutPoints = segmentsWithCutPoints[id];
if (segCutPoints === undefined) {
segCutPoints = [];
segmentsWithCutPoints[id] = segCutPoints;
cutPointFeatures.forEach(function(feature) {
var newCutPoint = geoflo.Utilities.reducePrecision(feature.geometry.coordinates);
var cutPoint = segCutPoints.findIndex(function(element) { return element[0] === newCutPoint[0] && element[1] === newCutPoint[1]; });
if (cutPoint === -1) { segCutPoints.push(newCutPoint); }
function checkForIntersections(knownSegments, newSegments) {
var segmentsWithCutPoints = {};
var processIntersectionPoint = function processIntersectionPoint(point, feature1, feature2) {
var pointCoords = point.geometry.coordinates;
var seg1Coords = feature1.geometry.coordinates;
var seg2Coords = feature2.geometry.coordinates;
var addFeature1Point = false;
var addFeature2Point = false;
var closestPointAdded = false;
if (!geoflo.Utilities.isPointEqual(pointCoords, seg1Coords[0]) && !geoflo.Utilities.isPointEqual(pointCoords, seg1Coords[1])) {
var endpoint1 = turf.point(seg1Coords[0]);
var endpoint2 = turf.point(seg1Coords[1]);
var distanceEndpoint1 = turf.distance(point, endpoint1);
var distanceEndpoint2 = turf.distance(point, endpoint2);
var closestEndpoint = distanceEndpoint1 < distanceEndpoint2 ? endpoint1 : endpoint2;
var pointOnLine = turf.pointOnLine(feature2, closestEndpoint);
if (pointOnLine.properties.dist < geoflo.statics.constants.MIN_DISTANCE) {
appendCutFeatures(segmentsWithCutPoints, feature2, [closestEndpoint]);
closestPointAdded = true;
} else {
addFeature1Point = true;
if (!geoflo.Utilities.isPointEqual(pointCoords, seg2Coords[0]) && !geoflo.Utilities.isPointEqual(pointCoords, seg2Coords[1])) {
var _endpoint = turf.point(seg2Coords[0]);
var _endpoint2 = turf.point(seg2Coords[1]);
var _distanceEndpoint = turf.distance(point, _endpoint);
var _distanceEndpoint2 = turf.distance(point, _endpoint2);
var _closestEndpoint = _distanceEndpoint < _distanceEndpoint2 ? _endpoint : _endpoint2;
var _pointOnLine = turf.pointOnLine(feature1, _closestEndpoint);
if (_pointOnLine.properties.dist < geoflo.statics.constants.MIN_DISTANCE) {
appendCutFeatures(segmentsWithCutPoints, feature1, [_closestEndpoint]);
closestPointAdded = true;
} else {
addFeature2Point = true;
if (!closestPointAdded) {
if (addFeature1Point) {
appendCutFeatures(segmentsWithCutPoints, feature1, [point]);
if (addFeature2Point) {
appendCutFeatures(segmentsWithCutPoints, feature2, [point]);
var checkIfPointInCloseRange = function checkIfPointInCloseRange(feature, coords) {
var pointOnline = turf.pointOnLine(feature, turf.point(coords));
if (pointOnline.properties.dist < geoflo.statics.constants.MIN_DISTANCE) {
if (!isPointAtVertex(feature.geometry.coordinates, coords)) {
appendCutFeatures(segmentsWithCutPoints, feature, [pointOnline]);
return true;
return false;
var sameSegments = knownSegments === newSegments;
for (var knownIndex = 0; knownIndex < knownSegments.length; knownIndex++) {
var segmentFeature1 = knownSegments[knownIndex];
var feature1Type = segmentFeature1.geometry.type;
for (var newIndex = sameSegments ? knownIndex + 1 : 0; newIndex < newSegments.length; newIndex++) {
var segmentFeature2 = newSegments[newIndex];
var feature2Type = segmentFeature2.geometry.type;
var id = segmentFeature2.id || segmentFeature2.properties.id;
if (feature1Type === "LineString" && feature2Type === "LineString") {
if (isOverlapping(segmentFeature1, segmentFeature2)) {
var intersectionPoints = turf.lineIntersect(segmentFeature1, segmentFeature2).features;
if (intersectionPoints.length > 0) {
if (intersectionPoints.length > 1) console.error(intersectionPoints.length + " intersection points received");
var point = intersectionPoints[0];
processIntersectionPoint(point, segmentFeature1, segmentFeature2);
} else {
var seg1Coords = segmentFeature1.geometry.coordinates;
var seg2Coords = segmentFeature2.geometry.coordinates;
checkIfPointInCloseRange(segmentFeature1, seg2Coords[0]);
checkIfPointInCloseRange(segmentFeature1, seg2Coords[1]);
checkIfPointInCloseRange(segmentFeature2, seg1Coords[0]);
checkIfPointInCloseRange(segmentFeature2, seg1Coords[1]);
if (getFeatureById(id)) {
console.log('Existing Line: ', segmentFeature2)
var pos = allSegments.indexOf(getFeatureById(id));
allSegments.splice(pos, 1);
} else if (feature1Type === "Point" || feature2Type === "Point") {
if (feature2Type === "Point" && feature2Type === "Point") {
console.log("Point & Point");
} else {
console.log("Point & LineString");
var _point = feature1Type === "Point" ? segmentFeature1 : segmentFeature2;
var line = feature1Type === "LineString" ? segmentFeature1 : segmentFeature2;
id = _point.id || _point.properties.id;
if (checkIfPointInCloseRange(line, _point.geometry.coordinates)) {
segmentsWithCutPoints[id] = [];
if (getFeatureById(id)) {
console.log('Existing Point: ', segmentFeature2)
var pos = allSegments.indexOf(getFeatureById(id));
allSegments.splice(pos, 1);
return segmentsWithCutPoints;
function cutSegments(newSegments, segmentsWithCutPoints) {
var result = [];
newSegments.forEach(function(segment) {
var id = segment.id || segment.properties.id;
if (segment.geometry.type === "LineString") {
var cutPoints = segmentsWithCutPoints[id];
if (cutPoints !== undefined) {
var fc = turf.lineSplit(segment, turf.multiPoint(cutPoints));
turf.featureEach(fc, function(feature) {
var length = turf.lineDistance(feature);
if (length > geoflo.statics.constants.MIN_SEGMENT_LENGTH) {
geoflo.Utilities.setProperties(feature, { length: length });
} else {
console.error("0 length feature (", length, ") after line split: ", JSON.stringify(feature));
} else {
var length = turf.lineDistance(segment);
if (length > geoflo.statics.constants.MIN_SEGMENT_LENGTH) {
geoflo.Utilities.setProperties(segment, { length: length });
} else {
console.error("0 length feature (", length, ") existing segment: ", JSON.stringify(segment));
} else {
var _cutPoints = segmentsWithCutPoints[id];
if (_cutPoints === undefined) {
return result;
function splitAndCheckForIntersections(newFeatures) {
var newFeaturesSegments = splitIntoTwoPointSegmentsAndAddIds(newFeatures);
if (linesOnly) return newFeaturesSegments;
var newFeaturesWithCutPoints = checkForIntersections(newFeaturesSegments, newFeaturesSegments);
return cutSegments(newFeaturesSegments, newFeaturesWithCutPoints);
function getFeatureById(id) {
return allSegments.find(function(f) { return f.id === id || f.properties.id === id })
function getFeaturesByParentId(id) {
return allSegments.filter(function(f) { return f.parent === id || f.properties.parent === id })
function removeFeature(id) {
var features = getFeaturesByParentId(id);
if (features && features.length) {
features.forEach(function(feature) {
var pos = allSegments.indexOf(feature);
allSegments.splice(pos, 1);
return allSegments;
function isPointAtVertex(geometryCoords, pointCoords) {
var firstPoint = geometryCoords[0];
var lastPoint = geometryCoords[geometryCoords.length - 1];
return geoflo.Utilities.isPointEqual(firstPoint, pointCoords) || geoflo.Utilities.isPointEqual(lastPoint, pointCoords);
function createLineWithLength(coords) {
var line = turf.lineString(coords);
var length = turf.lineDistance(line);
geoflo.Utilities.setProperties(line, { length: length });
return line;
function isOverlapping(feature1, feature2) {
var coords1 = feature1.geometry.coordinates;
var coords2 = feature2.geometry.coordinates;
if (coords1.length === 2 && coords2.length === 2) {
var bbox1 = createBbox(coords1);
var bbox2 = createBbox(coords2);
if (bbox1.east < bbox2.west || bbox1.west > bbox2.east) {
return false;
} else if (bbox1.north < bbox2.south || bbox1.south > bbox2.north) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
throw new Error("wrong number of coordinates, expected 2");
function createBbox(coords) {
var bbox1 = {};
if (coords[0][0] < coords[1][0]) {
bbox1.west = coords[0][0];
bbox1.east = coords[1][0];
} else {
bbox1.west = coords[1][0];
bbox1.east = coords[0][0];
if (coords[0][1] < coords[1][1]) {
bbox1.south = coords[0][1];
bbox1.north = coords[1][1];
} else {
bbox1.south = coords[1][1];
bbox1.north = coords[0][1];
return bbox1;
export default Mesh;