* @mixin
* @memberof module:geoflo
* @name Layers
* @description This module provides the layer functionality for the Geoflo application. It allows users to add, remove, and manipulate layers on the map.
* @param {Object} options - The options object to configure the object.
* @returns {Object} Returns the Layers object.
const Layers = function () {
const geoflo = this.geoflo;
if (!geoflo.map) throw new Error('No map object provided!');
const Layers = this;
const map = geoflo.map;
const id = geoflo.id;
const layerTypes = {
Polygon: ['-fill', '-border'],
Polyline: ['-line', '-dash', '-buffer'],
Point: ['-circle', '-icon', '-cluster-circle', '-cluster-icon', '-count-icon', '-count-text'],
Image: ['-image'],
All: ['-fill', '-border', '-line', '-dash', '-buffer', '-circle', '-icon', '-cluster-circle', '-cluster-icon', '-count-icon', '-count-text', '-image']
this.options = {};
this.sources = [];
this.layers = [];
this._layers = [];
this._sources = [];
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name init
* @description Initializes the object with the provided options and refreshes it.
* @param {Object} options - The options object to configure the object.
* @returns {Object} The refreshed object with the updated options.
this.init = function (options={}) {
this.options = Object.assign(this.options, options);
this.defaultLayers = [
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.COLD,
id: id + '-fill-cold',
type: 'fill',
layout: {},
filter: ["==", "$type", "Polygon"],
paint: {
'fill-color': geoflo.options.colors.secondaryCold,
'fill-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, 0.3]
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.COLD,
id: id + '-line-cold',
type: 'line',
layout: {
'line-cap': 'round',
'line-join': 'miter'
paint: {
'line-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryCold,
'line-width': 4,
'line-gap-width': ["match", ["get", "type"], "Polygon", 0, 0],
'line-offset': ['case', ["boolean", ["has", "offset"], true], ["get", "offset"], 0],
'line-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, 1]
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.COLD,
id: id + '-circle-cold',
filter: ['all', ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'Circle'], ["!=", ["geometry-type"], "Polygon"] ],
type: 'circle',
paint: {
'circle-radius': { 'base': 6, 'stops': [[10, 8], [14, 10]] },
'circle-stroke-width': 2,
'circle-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryCold,
'circle-stroke-color': geoflo.options.colors.secondaryCold,
'circle-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, 1],
'circle-stroke-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, 1]
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.COLD,
id: id + '-icon-cold',
type: 'symbol',
filter: ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'Icon'],
layout: {
'visibility': 'visible',
'icon-optional': true,
'text-field': ['get', 'primaryIcon', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'text-size': {
'base': 16,
'stops': [[10, 16], [14, 12]]
'text-line-height': 1,
'text-padding': 0,
'text-offset': [0, 0.2],
'text-justify': 'auto',
'text-anchor': 'center',
'text-allow-overlap': true,
'text-font': ['Font Awesome 6 Pro Solid'],
'text-ignore-placement': true
paint: {
'text-translate-anchor': 'viewport',
'text-halo-width': 0,
'text-halo-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryCold,
'text-color': geoflo.options.colors.secondaryBackground,
'text-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, 1]
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.COLD,
id: id + '-text-cold',
type: 'symbol',
filter: ["==", "$type", "Point"],
layout: {
"symbol-placement": "point",
'text-field': ['get', 'text'],
'text-font': ['DIN Pro Regular', 'DIN Pro Italic', 'Arial Unicode MS Regular', 'DIN Offc Pro Medium', 'Arial Unicode MS Bold'],
'text-keep-upright': true,
'text-size': 18,
'text-justify': ['get', 'justify'],
'text-letter-spacing': 0.05,
'text-line-height': 1.2,
'text-max-angle': 10,
'text-offset': [0,0],
'text-padding': 2,
'text-rotate': 0,
'text-transform': ['get', 'transform']
paint: {
'text-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryCold,
'text-halo-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryBackground,
'text-halo-width': 0.5,
'text-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, 1]
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.COLD,
id: id + '-text-icon-cold',
type: 'symbol',
filter: ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'Text'],
layout: {
'visibility': 'visible',
'icon-optional': true,
'text-field': ['get', 'primaryIcon', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'text-size': {
'base': 16,
'stops': [[10, 16], [14, 12]]
'text-line-height': 1,
'text-padding': 0,
'text-offset': [0, 0.2],
'text-justify': 'auto',
'text-anchor': 'center',
'text-allow-overlap': true,
'text-font': ['Font Awesome 6 Pro Solid'],
'text-ignore-placement': true
paint: {
'text-translate-anchor': 'viewport',
'text-halo-width': 0,
'text-halo-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryCold,
'text-color': geoflo.options.colors.secondaryBackground,
'text-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, 1]
id: geoflo.statics.constants.layers.MESH + '-line',
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.MESH,
type: "line",
paint: {
"line-color": geoflo.options.colors.primaryBase,
"line-width": 2,
"line-opacity": 0.3
id: geoflo.statics.constants.layers.MESH + '-circle',
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.MESH,
type: 'circle',
paint: {
'circle-radius': 2,
'circle-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryBase,
'circle-opacity': 0.3
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.HOT,
id: id + '-fill-hot',
type: 'fill',
layout: {},
filter: ["==", "$type", "Polygon"],
paint: {
'fill-color': geoflo.options.colors.secondaryHot,
'fill-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["has", "new"], true], 0.5, 0.1],
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.HOT,
'id': id + '-line-hot',
'type': 'line',
'layout': {
'line-cap': 'round',
'line-join': 'round'
'paint': {
'line-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryHot,
'line-width': 4,
'line-dasharray': [1,2],
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.HOT,
'id': id + '-point-hot',
'filter': ['==', '$type', 'Point'],
'type': 'circle',
//'filter': ["==", 0, ['number', ['get', 'painting']]],
'paint': {
'circle-radius': ["match", ["get", "type"], "Circle", 10, 4],
'circle-stroke-width': 2,
'circle-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryHot,
'circle-stroke-color': geoflo.options.colors.secondaryHot
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.HOT,
id: id + '-icon-hot',
filter: ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'Icon'],
type: 'symbol',
layout: {
'visibility': 'visible',
'icon-optional': true,
'text-field': ['get', 'primaryIcon', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'text-size': {
'base': 16,
'stops': [[10, 16], [14, 12]]
'text-line-height': 1,
'text-padding': 0,
'text-offset': [0, 0.2],
'text-justify': 'auto',
'text-anchor': 'center',
'text-allow-overlap': true,
'text-font': ['Font Awesome 6 Pro Solid'],
'text-ignore-placement': true
paint: {
'text-translate-anchor': 'viewport',
'text-halo-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryHot,
'text-halo-width': 0, //[ 'case', ['boolean', ['feature-state', 'hover'], false], 0.5, 0 ],
'text-color': geoflo.options.colors.secondaryHot
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.HOT,
id: id + '-image-hot',
filter: ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'Image'],
type: 'symbol',
layout: {
'visibility': 'visible',
'icon-image': ['get', 'primaryImage', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'icon-size': ['interpolate', ['linear'], ['zoom'], 1, 0.4, 15, 1],
'icon-allow-overlap': true,
'icon-anchor': 'bottom'
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.PIN,
id: id + '-fill-pin',
type: 'fill',
layout: {},
filter: ["==", "$type", "Polygon"],
paint: {
'fill-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryHot,
'fill-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["has", "new"], true], 0.5, 0.1],
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.PIN,
'id': id + '-line-pin',
'type': 'line',
'layout': {
'line-cap': 'round',
'line-join': 'round'
'paint': {
'line-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryDebug,
'line-width': 4,
'line-dasharray': [1, 2],
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.PIN,
'id': id + '-point-pin',
'filter': ['==', '$type', 'Point'],
'type': 'circle',
//'filter': ["==", 0, ['number', ['get', 'painting']]],
'paint': {
'circle-radius': ["match", ["get", "type"], "Circle", 10, 4],
'circle-stroke-width': 2,
'circle-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryDebug,
'circle-stroke-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryHot
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.PIN,
id: id + '-icon-pin',
filter: ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'Icon'],
type: 'symbol',
layout: {
'visibility': 'visible',
'icon-optional': true,
'text-field': ['get', 'primaryIcon', ['get', 'style', ['properties']]],
'text-size': {
'base': 16,
'stops': [[10, 16], [14, 12]]
'text-line-height': 1,
'text-padding': 0,
'text-offset': [0, 0.2],
'text-justify': 'auto',
'text-anchor': 'center',
'text-allow-overlap': true,
'text-font': ['Font Awesome 6 Pro Solid'],
'text-ignore-placement': true
paint: {
'text-translate-anchor': 'viewport',
'text-halo-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryDebug,
'text-halo-width': 0, //[ 'case', ['boolean', ['feature-state', 'hover'], false], 0.5, 0 ],
'text-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryHot
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.PIN,
id: id + '-image-pin',
filter: ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'Image'],
type: 'symbol',
layout: {
'visibility': 'visible',
'icon-image': ['get', 'primaryImage', ['get', 'style', ['properties']]],
'icon-size': ['interpolate', ['linear'], ['zoom'], 1, 0.4, 15, 1],
'icon-allow-overlap': true,
'icon-anchor': 'bottom'
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.HOTTEXT,
'id': id + '-text-hot',
'type': 'symbol',
'layout': {
'symbol-placement': 'point',
'text-field': ['get', 'text'],
'text-font': ['Arial Unicode MS Regular', 'DIN Offc Pro Medium', 'Arial Unicode MS Bold'],
'text-keep-upright': true,
'text-anchor': ['get','anchor'],
'text-size': 18,
'text-justify': ['get','justify'],
'text-letter-spacing': 0.1,
'text-line-height': 1.2,
'text-max-angle': 10,
'text-offset': [0, -1.5],
'text-padding': 2,
'text-rotate': 0,
'text-transform': ['get', 'transform']
'paint': {
'text-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryText,
'text-halo-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryBackground,
'text-halo-width': 1,
'text-opacity': 1,
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.SNAP,
'id': id + '-point-snap',
'type': 'circle',
'filter': ['==', '$type', 'Point'],
'paint': {
'circle-radius': ["match", ["get", "type"], "Circle", 6, "Icon", 0, 6],
'circle-stroke-width': 2,
'circle-color': geoflo.options.colors.primarySnap,
'circle-stroke-color': geoflo.options.colors.secondarySnap
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.SNAP,
id: id + '-icon-snap',
type: 'symbol',
filter: ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'Icon'],
layout: {
'visibility': 'visible',
'icon-optional': true,
'text-field': ['get', 'primaryIcon', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'text-size': {
'base': 18,
'stops': [[10, 18], [14, 16]]
'text-line-height': 1,
'text-padding': 0,
'text-offset': [0,0.2],
'text-justify': 'auto',
'text-anchor': 'center',
'text-allow-overlap': true,
'text-font': ['Font Awesome 6 Pro Solid'],
'text-ignore-placement': true
paint: {
'text-translate-anchor': 'viewport',
'text-halo-color': geoflo.options.colors.primarySnap,
'text-halo-width': 0, //[ 'case', ['boolean', ['feature-state', 'hover'], false], 0.5, 0 ],
'text-color': geoflo.options.colors.secondarySnap
source: geoflo.statics.constants.sources.SNAP,
id: id + '-image-snap',
filter: ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'Image'],
type: 'symbol',
layout: {
'visibility': 'visible',
'icon-image': ['get', 'primaryImage', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'icon-size': ['interpolate', ['linear'], ['zoom'], 1, 0.4, 15, 1],
'icon-allow-overlap': true,
'icon-anchor': 'bottom'
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.SNAP,
'id': id + '-line-snap',
'type': 'line',
//'filter': ["==", "$type", "LineString"],
'layout': {
'visibility': 'visible',
'line-cap': 'round',
'line-join': 'round'
'paint': {
'line-color': geoflo.options.colors.secondarySnap,
'line-width': 4,
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.ROUTE,
'id': id + '-line-route',
'type': 'line',
'filter': ["==", "$type", "LineString"],
'layout': {
'visibility': 'visible',
'line-cap': 'round',
'line-join': 'round'
'paint': {
'line-color': geoflo.options.colors.error,
'line-width': 4,
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.VERTEX,
'id': id + '-point-vertex',
'type': 'circle',
'filter': ['==', "$type", 'LineString'],
'paint': {
'circle-radius': 4,
'circle-stroke-width': 3,
'circle-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryVertex,
'circle-stroke-color': geoflo.options.colors.secondaryVertex
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.GAMEPAD,
'id': id + '-gamepad',
'type': 'symbol',
'layout': {
'visibility': 'visible',
'icon-image': 'gamepad',
'icon-size': 0.25
this.selectLayers = [{
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.SELECT,
'id': id + '-line-select-background',
'type': 'line',
'layout': {
'visibility': 'visible',
'line-cap': 'round',
'line-join': 'round'
'paint': {
'line-color': geoflo.options.colors.primarySelect,
'line-width': 6,
'line-opacity': 0.4
'metadata': { types: ['Polyline', 'Polygon', 'Rectangle'] }
}, {
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.SELECT,
'id': id + '-line-select',
'type': 'line',
'layout': {
'visibility': 'visible',
'line-cap': 'round',
'line-join': 'round'
'paint': {
'line-color': geoflo.options.colors.secondarySelect,
'line-width': 6,
'line-dasharray': [0, 4, 3]
'metadata': { types: ['Polyline', 'Polygon', 'Rectangle'] }
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.SELECT,
'id': id + '-fill-select',
'type': 'fill',
'layout': {},
'filter': ["==", "$type", "Polygon"],
'paint': {
'fill-color': geoflo.options.colors.primarySelect,
'fill-opacity': 0.4
'metadata': { types: ['Polygon', 'Rectangle'] }
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.SELECT,
'id': id + '-point-select',
'filter': ['all', ['!=', ['get', 'type'], 'Text'], ["==", ["geometry-type"], "Point"] ],
'type': 'circle',
'layout': {
'visibility': 'visible',
'paint': {
'circle-radius': 10,
'circle-stroke-width': 3,
'circle-color': geoflo.options.colors.primarySelect,
'circle-stroke-color': geoflo.options.colors.secondarySelect,
'circle-stroke-opacity': 1,
'circle-opacity': 0.8
'metadata': { types: ['Point', 'Circle', 'Marker', 'Icon'] }
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.SELECT,
'id': id + '-symbol-select',
'filter': ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'Icon'],
'type': 'symbol',
'layout': {
'visibility': 'visible',
'icon-optional': true,
'symbol-placement': 'point',
'text-rotation-alignment': 'viewport',
'text-field': ['get', 'primaryIcon', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'text-rotate': ['get', 'rotate', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'text-size': 14,
'text-line-height': 1,
'text-padding': 0,
'text-offset': [0, 0.2],
'text-justify': 'auto',
'text-anchor': 'center',
'text-allow-overlap': true,
'text-font': ['Font Awesome 6 Pro Solid'],
'text-ignore-placement': true
'paint': {
'text-translate-anchor': 'viewport',
'text-halo-color': geoflo.options.colors.secondarySelect,
'text-halo-width': 2,
'text-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryBackground,
'metadata': { types: ['Icon'] }
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.SELECT,
'id': id + '-text-point-select',
'filter': ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'Text'],
'type': 'circle',
'layout': {
'visibility': 'visible',
'paint': {
'circle-radius': 4,
'circle-stroke-width': 1,
'circle-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryColor,
'circle-stroke-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryBackground,
'circle-stroke-opacity': 1,
'circle-opacity': 1
'metadata': { types: ['Text'] }
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.SELECT,
'id': id + '-text-select',
'filter': ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'Text'],
'type': 'symbol',
'layout': {
'visibility': 'visible',
"symbol-placement": "point",
'text-rotation-alignment': 'viewport',
'text-field': ['get', 'text'],
'text-font': ['DIN Pro Regular', 'DIN Pro Italic', 'Arial Unicode MS Regular', 'DIN Offc Pro Medium', 'Arial Unicode MS Bold'],
'text-keep-upright': true,
'text-allow-overlap': true,
'text-size': 18,
'text-justify': ['get', 'justify'],
'text-letter-spacing': 0.13,
'text-line-height': 1.2,
'text-max-angle': 10,
'text-offset': [0, -1],
'text-padding': 2,
'text-rotate': 0,
'text-transform': ['get', 'transform']
'paint': {
'text-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryColor,
'text-halo-color': geoflo.options.colors.primaryBackground,
'text-halo-width': 2,
'text-opacity': 1,
'metadata': { types: ['Text'] }
'source': geoflo.statics.constants.sources.SELECT,
'id': id + '-image-select',
'filter': ['==', ['get', 'type'], 'Image'],
'type': 'symbol',
'layout': {
'visibility': 'visible',
'icon-image': ['get', 'primaryImage', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'icon-size': ['interpolate', ['linear'], ['zoom'], 1, 0.4, 15, 1],
'icon-allow-overlap': true,
'icon-anchor': 'bottom'
'metadata': { types: ['Image'] }
return this.refresh({ init: true });
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name refresh
* @description This function refreshes the map by removing existing layers and sources, adding default layers and sources, and rebuilding the layers.
* @param {Object} options - Optional parameter for additional options.
* @returns {Array} - An array of layers after the refresh operation.
this.refresh = async function (options={}) {
if (options.select) return geoflo.Layers.moveLayers(this.selectLayers);
if (!options.init) return this.init(options);
var layers = geoflo.Utilities.cloneDeep(this._layers);
this._layers = [];
this._sources = [];
this.addLayers(this.defaultLayers, this.options);
await buildLayers.call(this, layers);
this.addLayers(this.selectLayers, this.options);
setTimeout(function() { geoflo.Layers.moveLayers(this.selectLayers); }, 250);
return this.getLayers();
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name setCustomLayers
* @description This function takes an array of custom layers and options, builds the layers using the buildLayers function, and returns the resulting layers.
* @param {Array} layers - An array of custom layers to be processed.
* @param {Object} options - Additional options for building the layers.
* @returns {Promise<Array>} The processed custom layers.
this.setCustomLayers = async function (layers, options) {
if (!layers) return [];
return await buildLayers.call(this, layers, options);
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name getCustomLayers
* @description Retrieves the custom layers stored in the object.
* @returns {Array} An array containing the custom layers.
this.getCustomLayers = function () {
return this._layers;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name hasCustomLayers
* @description This function determines if there are any custom layers present in the application.
* @returns {number} The number of custom layers available.
this.hasCustomLayers = function () {
return this.getCustomLayers().length;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name getFeatures
* @description Retrieves the features from a source based on the provided ID.
* @param {string} id - The ID of the source to retrieve features from.
* @returns {Array} An array of features from the specified source, or an empty array if the source or features are not found.
this.getFeatures = function (id) {
var source = this.getSource(id);
if (!source || !source._data) return [];
return source._data.features;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name getSelection
* @description This function determines the selected feature based on the provided features array and coordinates.
* @param {Array} features - An array of features to select from.
* @param {Object} coords - The coordinates of the selected feature.
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if a feature is selected, false otherwise.
this.getSelection = function (features=[], coords) {
var feature = features && features.length ? features[0] : false;
if (!feature) return false;
if (feature.properties.cluster) return Layers.onClusterClick(feature, coords), false;
return true;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name getType
* @description This function takes a geometry type as input and returns the corresponding general type (Polygon, Polyline, or Point).
* @param {string} type - The type of geometry to be evaluated.
* @returns {string|boolean} Returns the general type of the geometry (Polygon, Polyline, Point) or false if the type is not recognized.
this.getType = function (type) {
return type === 'Polygon' || type === 'Rectangle' ? 'Polygon' :
type === 'Polyline' || type === 'LineString' || type === 'Line' ? 'Polyline' :
type === 'Point' || type === 'Circle' || type === 'Marker' || type === 'Icon' || type === 'Text' ? 'Point' :
type === 'Image' ? 'Image' :
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name getSources
* @description Retrieves the sources stored in the object.
* @returns {Array} An array containing the sources.
this.getSources = function () {
return this.sources;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name getSource
* @description Retrieves a specific source object by its ID from the list of sources.
* @param {string} id - The ID of the source to retrieve.
* @returns {object|boolean} The source object with the specified ID if found, otherwise false.
this.getSource = function (id) {
if (!id) return false;
var sources = this.getSources();
return sources.find(function(source) { return source.id === id })
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name getSourceIds
* @description Retrieves the IDs of all sources.
* @returns {Array} An array of source IDs.
this.getSourceIds = function () {
return this.getSources().map(function (s) { return s.id });
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name getLayers
* @description Retrieves the layers array from the object.
* @returns {Array} The layers array.
this.getLayers = function () {
return this.layers;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name getLayer
* @description Retrieves a layer based on the provided ID or source ID.
* @param {string} id - The ID of the layer to retrieve.
* @returns {object|boolean} The layer object if found, or false if not found.
this.getLayer = function (id, custom) {
if (!id) return false;
var layers = custom ? this.getCustomLayers() : this.getLayers();
var layer = layers.find(function(layer) { return layer.id === id });
if (!layer) layer = layers.filter(function(layer) { return layer.source === id });
return layer;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name getLayerIds
* @description Retrieves the IDs of the layers provided or the default layers if none are provided.
* @param {Array} layers - An array of layer objects.
* @returns {Array} An array of layer IDs.
this.getLayerIds = function (layers) {
var _layers = layers || this.getCustomLayers();
return _layers.map(function (l) { return l.id });
this.getLayerType = function (id) {
let type = '';
const layer = this.getLayer(id, true);
if (layer && layer.details) type = layer.details.type;
return type;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name addSources
* @description Adds multiple sources to the context with the given options.
* @param {Array} sources - An array of sources to be added.
* @param {Object} options - Additional options for adding the sources.
* @returns {Array} - An array of all the added sources.
this.addSources = function (sources=[], options={}) {
sources.forEach(function(source) { this.addSource(source, false, options) }, this);
geoflo.fire('sources.add', { sources: this.getSources() });
return this.getSources();
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name addSource
* @description This function adds a new source to the map using the provided ID and type. It also accepts optional configuration options for the source.
* @param {string} id - The unique identifier for the source.
* @param {string} type - The type of the source (e.g., 'geojson', 'vector', 'raster', etc.).
* @param {Object} [options={}] - Additional configuration options for the source (e.g., features, promoteId, clusterMaxZoom, clusterRadius).
* @returns {Object} The newly added source object.
this.addSource = function (id, type, options={}) {
if (!id) throw new Error('No source was provided!');
var opts = { type: options.type || "geojson", data: turf.featureCollection(options.features || []), promoteId: options.promoteId || 'id' };
if (type && type === 'Point' && !options.noCluster) { opts = Object.assign(opts, { cluster: true, clusterMaxZoom: options.clusterMaxZoom || 14, clusterRadius: options.clusterRadius || 50 }) }
map.addSource(id, opts);
geoflo.fire('source.add', { id: id, source: this.getSource(id) })
return this.getSource(id);
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name addLayers
* @description Adds multiple layers to the map.
* @param {Array} layers - An array of layers to be added to the map.
* @param {Object} options - Additional options for adding the layers.
* @returns {Array} - An array of layers that have been added to the map.
this.addLayers = function (layers=[], options={}) {
layers.forEach(function(layer, index) { this.addLayer(layer, options) }, this);
geoflo.fire('layers.add', { layers: this.getLayers() });
return this.getLayers();
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name addLayer
* @description This function adds a layer to the map with the provided options. It also updates the layer's metadata, adds the layer to the map, and pushes the layer to the layers array. It triggers a 'layer.add' event and returns the added layer.
* @param {Object} layer - The layer object to be added to the map.
* @param {Object} [options={}] - Additional options for the layer.
* @returns {Object} The added layer.
this.addLayer = function (layer, options={}) {
if (!layer || !layer.id) return false;
layer.metadata = layer.metadata || options;
if (map.getLayer(layer.id)) {
if (!this.layers.find(function(l) { return l.id === layer.id })) this.layers.push(layer);
return this.getLayer(layer.id);
layer = map.getLayer(layer.id);
if (!layer) return console.error(id, 'Layer Not Added!');
geoflo.fire('layer.add', { id: layer.id, layer: this.getLayer(layer.id) });
return this.getLayer(layer.id);
this.addTextLayer = function (options={}) {
var layers = options.select ? this.getLayer(geoflo.statics.constants.sources.SELECT) : this.getCustomLayers();
var field = options.field || 'text';
layers.forEach(function(layer) {
var id = layer.id + '-Text';
var filter = ['all', ['==', ["geometry-type"], 'Point'], ["has", field] ];
if (options.filter) filter = options.filter;
if (!options.select && options.ids) filter = ['in', 'id', ...options.ids];
var layout = Object.assign({}, {
'visibility': 'visible',
'symbol-placement': 'point',
'text-rotation-alignment': 'viewport',
'text-field': ['get', field],
'text-keep-upright': true,
'text-allow-overlap': true,
'text-anchor': 'top',
'text-size': 12,
'text-justify': 'center',
'text-letter-spacing': 0.25,
'text-line-height': 1.2,
'text-max-angle': 10,
'text-offset': [0, 0.5],
'text-padding': 2,
'text-rotate': 0,
'text-transform': 'none',
'text-font': ['Arial Unicode MS Regular', 'DIN Offc Pro Medium', 'Arial Unicode MS Bold'],
'text-ignore-placement': false,
'text-max-width': 15
}, layer.text ? layer.text.layout || {} : {}, options.layout);
var paint = Object.assign({}, {
'text-translate-anchor': 'viewport',
'text-halo-color': ['get', 'primaryColor', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'text-halo-width': 1.2,
'text-color': ['get', 'secondaryColor', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'text-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, ['get', 'opacity', ['get','style', ['properties']]]]
}, layer.text ? layer.text.paint || {} : {}, options.paint);
var style = {
id: id,
type: 'symbol',
source: layer.source || layer.details.source || id,
slot: 'top',
filter: filter,
layout: layout,
paint: paint,
metadata: { text: true, name: id }
if (!map.getLayer(id)) map.addLayer(style);
}, this);
this.showTextLayers = true;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name removeSources
* @description Removes sources from the map.
* @param {Array} sources - An array of source IDs to be removed. If not provided, it defaults to all source IDs.
* @returns {void}
this.removeSources = function (sources) {
sources = sources || this.getSourceIds();
sources.forEach(function(id) { this.removeSource(id) }, this);
geoflo.fire('sources.remove', { removed: true })
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name removeSource
* @description This function removes a source from the map and the internal sources array based on the provided id.
* @param {string} id - The id of the source to be removed.
* @returns {string} The id of the removed source.
this.removeSource = function (id) {
if (!id) return false;
if (map.getSource(id)) map.removeSource(id);
var index = -1;
index = this.sources.findIndex(function(l) { return l.id === id });
if (index > -1) this.sources.splice(index, 1);
geoflo.fire('source.remove', { removed: id });
return id;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name removeLayers
* @description Removes multiple layers from the context.
* @param {Array} layers - An array of layer objects to be removed.
* @returns {Array} - An array of IDs of the removed layers.
this.removeLayers = function (layers) {
var ids = this.getLayerIds(layers);
ids.forEach(function(id) { this.removeLayer(id) }, this);
geoflo.fire('layers.remove', { removed: ids });
return ids;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name removeLayer
* @description This function removes a layer from the map and the layers array based on the provided id.
* @param {string} id - The id of the layer to be removed.
* @returns {string} The id of the removed layer.
this.removeLayer = function (id) {
if (!id) return false;
if (map.getLayer(id)) map.removeLayer(id);
var index = -1;
index = this.layers.findIndex(function(l) { return l.id === id });
if (index > -1) this.layers.splice(index, 1);
geoflo.fire('layer.remove', { removed: id });
return id;
this.removeTextLayer = function (options={}) {
var layers = this.getLayers();
layers.forEach(function(layer) { if (layer.metadata.text && map.getLayer(layer.id)) map.removeLayer(layer.id) }, this);
this.showTextLayers = false;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name moveLayers
* @description Moves the specified layers on the map.
* @param {Array} layers - An array of layer objects to be moved on the map.
* @returns {void}
this.moveLayers = function (layers) {
layers = !layers ? this.defaultLayers || [] : layers;
layers.forEach(function (layer) { if (geoflo.map.getLayer(layer.id)) geoflo.map.moveLayer(layer.id) })
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name addEventListeners
* @description Attaches event listeners based on the provided options.
* @param {Object} options - An object containing configuration options for event listeners.
* @returns {Object} - The result of the buildEvents function with the provided options.
this.addEventListeners = function (options={}) {
return buildEvents.call(this, { on: true })
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @name removeEventListeners
* @description Removes event listeners from the element.
* @param {Object} options - An object containing options for removing event listeners.
* @param {boolean} options.off - A boolean flag to indicate whether to turn off event listeners.
* @returns {void}
this.removeEventListeners = function (options={}) {
return buildEvents.call(this, { off: true })
* @function
* @name onClusterClick
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @description Handles the click event on a cluster feature, expanding the cluster if applicable.
* @param {Object} feature - The cluster feature that was clicked.
* @returns {boolean} Returns false if the feature does not have a source; otherwise, it performs an action without returning a value.
this.onClusterClick = function (feature) {
if (!feature.source) return false;
var source = map.getSource(feature.source);
source.getClusterExpansionZoom(feature.properties.cluster_id, function(err,zoom) {
if (!err) map.easeTo({ center: feature.geometry.coordinates, zoom: zoom + 2 });
* @function
* @name onLayerMouseover
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @description Handles the mouseover event on a layer, highlighting the features if certain conditions are met.
* @param {Object} event - The event object containing information about the mouseover event.
* @returns {boolean} Returns false if editing, drawing, or viewing actions are active, if the layer is importing, or if there are no features; otherwise, it highlights the features.
this.onLayerMouseover = function(event) {
var Map = app.Map;
if (Map.getActions().editing || Map.getActions().drawing || Map.getActions().viewing) { return false };
if (app[app.ns('layer')]._importing) { return false }
if (!event.features.length) { return false }
Map.setHighlight({ clear: true, features: event.features});
* @function
* @name onLayerMouseout
* @memberof module:geoflo.Layers
* @description Handles the mouseout event for a layer, removing highlights if certain conditions are met.
* @param {Object} event - The event object associated with the mouseout event.
* @returns {boolean} Returns false if the map is in editing, drawing, or viewing mode, or if the layer is being imported; otherwise, it returns undefined.
this.onLayerMouseout = function(event) {
var Map = app.Map;
if (Map.getActions().editing || Map.getActions().drawing || Map.getActions().viewing) { return false };
if (app[app.ns('layer')]._importing) { return false }
async function buildLayers (layers=[], options={}) {
await buildText.call(this);
if (!layers.length) return false;
await Promise.all(layers.map(layer => buildLayer.call(this, layer, options)));
setTimeout(function() { geoflo.Layers.moveLayers(); }, 250);
if (this.showTextLayers) this.addTextLayer();
return this.getLayers();
async function buildLayer (layer, opts) {
var details = !layer.details && layer.id ? layer : layer.details || {};
var options = layer.options || {};
var layers = layer.layers || [];
var features = layer.features || [];
var hasFeatures = features && features.length;
var style = layer.style || false;
var error;
if (!details.id || !details.type) error = true;
const type = details.type === 'ALL' ? 'ALL' : this.getType(details.type);
if (!type) error = true;
var metadata = { type: details.type} ;
details.default ? metadata.default = true : metadata.custom = true;
details.name ? metadata.name = details.name : false;
var source = details.source || details.id;
metadata.source = source;
if (details.style) delete details.style;
var settings = {
type: type,
source: source,
id: details.id,
types: layerTypes[type],
style: style || {},
filter: layer.filter,
images: layer.images,
details: details,
options: options,
layers: layers
if (type === 'ALL') {
const promises = Object.keys(layerTypes).filter(key => key !== 'All').map(async key => {
const layerConfig = { ...settings, type: key, types: layerTypes[key] };
return key === 'Image' ? buildImage.call(this, layerConfig, options) :
key === 'Polygon' ? buildPolygon.call(this, layerConfig, options) :
key === 'Polyline' ? buildPolyline.call(this, layerConfig, options) :
key === 'Point' ? buildPoint.call(this, layerConfig, options) : [];
const results = await Promise.all(promises);
layers = results.flat();
} else {
layers = type === 'Image' ? await buildImage.call(this, settings, options) :
type === 'Polygon' ? await buildPolygon.call(this, settings, options) :
type === 'Polyline' ? await buildPolyline.call(this, settings, options) :
type === 'Point' ? await buildPoint.call(this, settings, options) : [];
this.addSource(source, type, options);
this.addLayers(layers, metadata);
removeLayer.call(this, { layer: details.id, source: source });
settings.metadata = metadata;
if (metadata.custom) {
this._sources.push({ id: source, type: type, options: options });
if (hasFeatures) geoflo.Features.addFeatures(features);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (error) return resolve(error);
const ready = setInterval(() => {
const feats = geoflo.Layers.getFeatures(metadata.source);
if (hasFeatures && !feats.length) return;
if (!map.getSource(metadata.source)) return;
resolve({ layer: settings, features: feats });
}, 1);
async function buildText () {
const map = geoflo.map;
return new Promise(async function (resolve, reject) {
const url = 'https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/assets/popup.png';
if (map.hasImage('text-marker')) return resolve(true);
map.loadImage(url, async function(error, image) {
if (error) return reject(error);
if (map.hasImage('text-marker')) return resolve(image);
map.addImage('text-marker', image, {
content: [25, 25, 115, 100],
stretchX: [[25, 115]],
stretchY: [[25, 100]],
pixelRatio: 2,
sdf: false
return resolve(image);
async function buildImage (settings={}, options={}) {
if (!settings.source) return [];
var layers = [];
var source = settings.source;
for (var i = 0; i < settings.types.length; i++) {
var type = settings.types[i];
var style = settings.style;
var id = settings.id + type;
var layout, paint;
if (!settings.images || !settings.images.length) continue;
for (var j = 0; j < settings.images.length; j++) {
var image = settings.images[j];
if (!image) continue;
var img = await loadImage(image);
if (!img) continue;
map.hasImage(image.id) ?
map.updateImage(image.id, img, {pixelRatio: 2}) :
map.addImage(image.id, img, {pixelRatio: 2});
layout = Object.assign({}, {
'visibility': options.visibility || 'visible',
'icon-image': ['get', 'primaryImage', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'icon-size': ['interpolate', ['linear'], ['zoom'], 1, 0.6, 10, 0.8, 15, 1],
'icon-allow-overlap': true,
'icon-anchor': 'bottom'
}, style.image ? style.image.layout || {} : {});
paint = Object.assign({}, {
'icon-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0,
['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0,
['get', 'opacity', ['get','style', ['properties']]]]]
}, style.image ? style.image.paint || {} : {});
style = {
id: id,
type: 'symbol',
source: source,
slot: style.slot || 'top',
filter: settings.filter || ['==', "$type", "Point"],
layout: layout,
paint: paint
if (!style) continue;
if (settings.style.minzoom) style.minzoom = settings.style.minzoom;
if (settings.style.maxzoom) style.maxzoom = settings.style.maxzoom;
return layers;
async function buildPolygon (settings={}, options={}) {
if (!settings.source) return [];
var layers = [];
var source = settings.source;
for (var i = 0; i < settings.types.length; i++) {
var type = settings.types[i];
var style = settings.style;
var id = settings.id + type;
var layout, paint;
if (type.includes('border')) {
layout = Object.assign({}, {
'visibility': options.visibility || 'visible',
}, style.border ? style.border.layout || {} : {});
paint = Object.assign({}, {
'line-color': ['get', 'primaryColor', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'line-width': ['case', ["boolean", ['has', 'width', ['get','style', ['properties']]], true], ['get', 'width', ['get','style', ['properties']]], 2],
'line-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, 0.8]
}, style.border ? style.border.paint || {} : {});
style = {
id: id,
type: 'line',
source: source,
slot: style.slot || 'bottom',
filter: style.border ? style.border.filter || ['==', "$type", "Polygon"] : ['==', '$type', 'Polygon'],
layout: layout,
paint: paint
} else if (type.includes('fill')) {
layout = Object.assign({}, {
'visibility': options.visibility || 'visible',
}, style.fill ? style.fill.layout || {} : {});
paint = Object.assign({}, {
'fill-color': ['get', 'secondaryColor', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'fill-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, 0.5]
}, style.fill ? style.fill.paint || {} : {});
style = {
id: id,
type: 'fill',
source: source,
slot: style.slot || 'bottom',
filter: style.fill ? style.fill.filter || ['==', "$type", "Polygon"] : ['==', '$type', 'Polygon'],
layout: layout,
paint: paint
if (!style) continue;
if (settings.style.minzoom) style.minzoom = settings.style.minzoom;
if (settings.style.maxzoom) style.maxzoom = settings.style.maxzoom;
return layers;
async function buildPolyline (settings={}, options={}) {
if (!settings.source) return [];
var layers = [];
var source = settings.source;
for (var i = 0; i < settings.types.length; i++) {
var type = settings.types[i];
var style = settings.style;
var id = settings.id + type;
var layout, paint;
if (type.includes('line')) {
layout = Object.assign({}, {
'visibility': options.visibility || 'visible',
'line-miter-limit': 2,
'line-join': 'round',
'line-cap': 'round'
}, style.line ? style.line.layout || {} : {});
paint = Object.assign({}, {
'line-color': ['get', 'primaryColor', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'line-width': ['case', ["boolean", ['has', 'width', ['get','style', ['properties']]], true], ['get', 'width', ['get','style', ['properties']]], 4],
'line-offset': ['case', ["boolean", ["has", "offset"], true], ["get", "offset"], 0],
'line-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, 1]
}, style.line ? style.line.paint || {} : {});
style = {
id: id,
type: 'line',
source: source,
slot: style.slot || 'middle',
filter: style.line ? style.line.filter || ['==', "$type", "LineString"] : ['==', '$type', 'LineString'],
layout: layout,
paint: paint
if (!style) continue;
if (settings.style.minzoom) style.minzoom = settings.style.minzoom;
if (settings.style.maxzoom) style.maxzoom = settings.style.maxzoom;
return layers;
async function buildPoint (settings={}, options={}) {
if (!settings.source) return [];
var layers = [];
var source = settings.source;
var dontRender = false; //map.getStyle().imports && map.getStyle().imports.length;
for (var i = 0; i < settings.types.length; i++) {
var type = settings.types[i];
var style = settings.style;
var id = settings.id + type;
var layout, paint;
if (type.includes('circle')) {
if (options.noCircle) continue;
layout = Object.assign({}, {
'visibility': options.visibility || 'visible',
}, style.circle ? style.circle.layout || {} : {});
paint = Object.assign({}, {
'circle-radius': 10,
'circle-stroke-width': 2,
'circle-color': ['get', 'secondaryColor', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'circle-stroke-color': ['get', 'primaryColor', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'circle-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, ['get', 'opacity', ['get','style', ['properties']]]]],
'circle-stroke-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, ['get', 'opacity', ['get','style', ['properties']]]]]
}, style.circle ? style.circle.paint || {} : {});
style = {
id: id,
type: 'circle',
source: source,
slot: style.slot || 'top',
filter: style.circle ? style.circle.filter || ['==', "$type", "Point"] : ['==', "$type", "Point"],
layout: layout,
paint: paint
if (type.includes('cluster')) {
if (options.noCluster) continue;
style.filter = ['has', 'point_count'];
style.paint['circle-color'] = options.secondaryColor || geoflo.options.colors.secondaryColor;
style.paint['circle-stroke-color'] = options.primaryColor || geoflo.options.colors.primaryColor;
} else if (type.includes('icon')) {
if (dontRender) continue;
layout = Object.assign({}, {
'visibility': options.visibility || 'visible',
'icon-optional': true,
'text-field': ['get', 'primaryIcon', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'text-rotate': ['get', 'rotate', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'text-rotation-alignment': 'viewport',
'text-size': 14,
'text-line-height': 1,
'text-padding': 0,
'text-offset': [0, 0.2],
'text-justify': 'auto',
'text-anchor': 'center',
'text-allow-overlap': true,
'text-font': ['Font Awesome 6 Pro Solid'],
'text-ignore-placement': true
}, style.icon ? style.icon.layout || {} : {});
paint = Object.assign({}, {
'text-translate-anchor': 'viewport',
'text-halo-color': ['get', 'primaryColor', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'text-halo-width': 0,
'text-color': ['get', 'primaryColor', ['get','style', ['properties']]],
'text-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, ['get', 'opacity', ['get','style', ['properties']]]]]
}, style.icon ? style.icon.paint || {} : {});
style = {
id: id,
type: 'symbol',
source: source,
slot: style.slot || 'top',
filter: style.icon ? style.icon.filter || ['==', "$type", "Point"] : ['==', "$type", "Point"],
layout: layout,
paint: paint
if (type.includes('cluster')) {
if (options.noCluster) continue;
style.filter = ['has', 'point_count'];
style.layout['text-field'] = options.primaryIcon || '';
style.paint['text-halo-color'] = options.secondaryColor || geoflo.options.colors.secondaryCold;
style.paint['text-color'] = options.primaryColor || geoflo.options.colors.secondaryText;
} else if (type.includes('count')) {
if (options.noCluster) continue;
style.filter = ['has', 'point_count'];
style.layout = {
'visibility': options.visibility || 'visible',
'icon-optional': true,
'text-field': options.countIcon || '',
'text-size': {
'base': 14,
'stops': [[10, 16], [14, 14]]
'text-line-height': 1,
'text-padding': 0,
'text-offset': [0.5, -0.6],
'text-justify': 'auto',
'text-anchor': 'center',
'text-allow-overlap': true,
'text-font': ['Font Awesome 6 Pro Solid'],
'text-ignore-placement': true
style.paint = {
'text-translate-anchor': 'viewport',
'text-color': options.countIconColor || geoflo.options.colors.primaryText,
'text-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, ['get', 'opacity', ['get','style', ['properties']]]]
} else if (type.includes('text')) {
if (dontRender) continue;
if (type.includes('count')) {
if (options.noCluster) continue;
layout = Object.assign({}, {
'text-field': ['get', 'point_count_abbreviated'],
'text-font': ['DIN Offc Pro Medium', 'Arial Unicode MS Bold'],
'text-size': {
'base': 14,
'stops': [[10, 14], [14, 12]]
'text-offset': [0.55, -0.9],
}, style.text ? style.text.layout || {} : {});
paint = Object.assign({}, {
'text-color': options.countTextColor || geoflo.options.colors.secondaryText,
'text-opacity': ['case', ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hidden"], true], 0, ['get', 'opacity', ['get','style', ['properties']]]]
}, style.text ? style.text.paint || {} : {});
style = {
id: id,
type: 'symbol',
source: source,
slot: style.slot || 'top',
filter: ['has', 'point_count'],
layout: layout,
paint: paint
if (!style) continue;
if (settings.style.minzoom) style.minzoom = settings.style.minzoom;
if (settings.style.maxzoom) style.maxzoom = settings.style.maxzoom;
return layers;
function buildEvents (options={}) {
var ids = this.getLayerIds();
if (!ids.length) return;
if (options.off) {
map.off('mousemove', ids, this.onLayerMouseover);
map.off('mouseleave', ids, this.onLayerMouseout);
} else if (options.on) {
map.on('mousemove', ids, this.onLayerMouseover);
map.on('mouseleave', ids, this.onLayerMouseout);
} else if (!options) {
buildEvents({ off: true });
buildEvents({ on: true })
function removeLayer (options) {
if (!options) return false;
var layer = this._layers.findIndex((e) => { return e.id === options.layer });
var source = this._sources.findIndex((e) => { return e.id === options.source });
if (layer !== -1) this._layers.splice(layer, 1);
if (source !== -1) this._sources.splice(source, 1);
async function loadImage (options={}) {
if (!options.url || !options.id) return false;
return new Promise(async function (resolve, reject) {
const url = options.url + '?' + new Date().getTime();
map.loadImage(url, function(error, image) { return error ? reject(error) : resolve(image); });
function loadImageAsDataURL(imageUrl, callback) {
/* loadImageAsDataURL(options.url, (data) => {
options.data = data;
const svgMarker = createSVGMarker(options);
svgToImage(svgMarker, (img) => resolve(img) );
}); */
const img = new Image();
img.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
img.onload = () => {
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = img.width;
canvas.height = img.height;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
const dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
img.src = imageUrl + '?' + new Date().getTime();
function createSVGMarker(options={}) {
const svgNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
const data = options.data;
const width = options.width;
const height = options.height;
const borderWidth = options["stroke-width"] || 5;
const svg = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg");
svg.setAttribute("width", width);
svg.setAttribute("height", height);
svg.setAttribute("viewBox", `0 0 ${width + 2 * borderWidth} ${height + 2 * borderWidth}`);
const marker = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "ellipse");
marker.setAttribute("cx", (width + 2 * borderWidth) / 2);
marker.setAttribute("cy", (height + 2 * borderWidth) / 2);
marker.setAttribute("rx", width / 2);
marker.setAttribute("ry", height / 2);
marker.setAttribute("fill", 'transparent');
marker.setAttribute("stroke", options.stroke || geoflo.getColors().secondaryBackground);
marker.setAttribute("stroke-width", borderWidth);
const image = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "image");
image.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", data);
image.setAttribute("x", borderWidth);
image.setAttribute("y", borderWidth);
image.setAttribute("width", width);
image.setAttribute("height", height);
image.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid slice");
image.setAttribute("clip-path", "ellipse()");
return svg;
function svgToImage(svgElement, callback) {
const svgData = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svgElement);
const svgBlob = new Blob([svgData], { type: "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8" });
const url = URL.createObjectURL(svgBlob);
const img = new Image();
img.onload = () => { URL.revokeObjectURL(url), callback(img); };
img.src = url;
export default Layers;