* @mixin
* @memberof module:geoflo
* @name Gaming
* @description This module provides the gamepad functionality for the Geoflo application. It allows users to interact with the map using a gamepad controller.
* @param {Object} gamepad - The gamepad object to be initialized.
* @param {Object} options - The options for gamepad initialization. Comes from geoFlo.options.gaming.
* @returns {Object} The current object instance.
const Gaming = function (gamepad) {
const geoflo = this.geoflo;
if (!supported()) throw new Error('Gamepads are not supported on your browser!');
const control = this;
this.options = geoflo.options.gaming;
const layout = {
"select": 'Select',
"start": 'Start',
"power": 'Power',
"button0": 'B',
"button1": 'A',
"button2": 'Y',
"button3": 'X',
"button4": 'BumpLeft',
"button5": 'BumpRight',
"button6": 'TrigLeft',
"button7": 'TrigRight',
"button8": 'Select',
"button9": 'Start',
"button10": 'JoyLeftClick',
"button11": 'JoyRightClick',
"button12": 'DpadUp',
"button13": 'DpadDown',
"button14": 'DpadLeft',
"button15": 'DpadRight',
"button16": 'Power',
"button17": 'Misc',
"up0": 'JoyLeftUp',
"down0": 'JoyLeftDown',
"right0": 'JoyLeftRight',
"left0": 'JoyLeftLeft',
"up1": 'JoyRightUp',
"down1": 'JoyRightDown',
"right1": 'JoyRightRight',
"left1": 'JoyRightLeft',
"l1": 'BumpLeft',
"r1": 'BumpRight',
"l2": 'TrigLeft',
"r2": 'TrigRight'
function clamp(x, y) {
let m = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y); // Magnitude (length) of vector
// If the length greater than 1, normalize it (set it to 1)
if (m > 1) {
x /= m;
y /= m;
return [x, y];
function deadzone(x, y, deadzone=0.2) {
let m = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);
if (m < deadzone)
return [0, 0];
let over = m - deadzone; // 0 -> 1 - DEADZONE
let nover = over / (1 - deadzone); // 0 -> 1
let nx = x / m;
let ny = y / m;
return [nx * nover, ny * nover];
function request() {
function supported() {
return (window.navigator.getGamepads && typeof window.navigator.getGamepads === 'function') ||
(window.navigator.getGamepads && typeof window.navigator.webkitGetGamepads === 'function') ||
function qs(s, p) {
if (p) {
return p.querySelector(s);
return document.querySelector(s);
function on(eventName, callback) {
return control.associateEvent(eventName, callback, 'action');
function after(eventName, callback) {
return control.associateEvent(eventName, callback, 'after');
function before(eventName, callback) {
return control.associateEvent(eventName, callback, 'before');
function addEventListeners(_this, gamepad) {
if (!gamepad || !layout) return false;
Object.entries(layout).forEach(function (entry) {
var key = entry[0];
var val = entry[1];
before(key, function (value) { return _this.onEvent('press', key, val, value); });
on(key, function (value) { return _this.onEvent('hold', key, val, value); });
after(key, function (value) { return _this.onEvent('release', key, val, value); });
function deepAssign(target, source, {isMutatingOk = false, isStrictlySafe = false} = {}) {
target = isMutatingOk ? target : clone(target, isStrictlySafe);
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(source)) {
if (val !== null && typeof val === `object`) {
if (target[key] === undefined) {
target[key] = {};
target[key] = deepAssign(target[key], val, {isMutatingOk: true, isStrictlySafe});
} else {
target[key] = val;
function clone(obj, isStrictlySafe = false) {
try {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
} catch(err) {
if (isStrictlySafe) { throw new Error() }
console.warn(`Unsafe clone of object`, obj);
return {...obj};
return target;
function calculateIntermediatePoint(point1, point2, perc) {
var lat1 = degreesToRadians(point1[1]);
var lng1 = degreesToRadians(point1[0]);
var lat2 = degreesToRadians(point2[1]);
var lng2 = degreesToRadians(point2[0]);
var deltaLat = lat2 - lat1;
var deltaLng = lng2 - lng1;
var calcA = Math.sin(deltaLat / 2) * Math.sin(deltaLat / 2) + Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.sin(deltaLng / 2) * Math.sin(deltaLng / 2);
var calcB = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(calcA), Math.sqrt(1 - calcA));
var A = Math.sin((1 - perc) * calcB) / Math.sin(calcB);
var B = Math.sin(perc * calcB) / Math.sin(calcB);
var x = A * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lng1) + B * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.cos(lng2);
var y = A * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.sin(lng1) + B * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.sin(lng2);
var z = A * Math.sin(lat1) + B * Math.sin(lat2);
var lat3 = Math.atan2(z, Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y));
var lng3 = Math.atan2(y, x);
return [radiansToDegrees(lng3), radiansToDegrees(lat3)]
function pointAtPercent(p0, p1, percent) {
var x;
if (p0.x !== p1.x)
x = p0.x + percent * (p1.x - p0.x);
x = p0.x;
var y;
if (p0.y !== p1.y)
y = p0.y + percent * (p1.y - p0.y);
y = p0.y;
var p = {
x: x,
y: y
return p;
function degreesToRadians(degrees) {
return degrees * (Math.PI / 180);
function radiansToDegrees(radians) {
return radians * (180 / Math.PI );
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming
* @name init
* @description This function initializes the gamepad with the specified options. It fires an event to notify the gamepad initialization, sets the gamepad, adds event listeners, and requests animation frame.
* @param {Object} gamepad - The gamepad object to be initialized.
* @param {Object} options - The options for gamepad initialization.
* @returns {Object} The current object instance.
this.init = function (gamepad, options) {
if (!gamepad) return false;
if (!this.options.enable) return console.error('Gamepad option is not enabled!')
geoflo.map.fire(geoflo.id + ':gamepad.init', { detail: { gamepad: gamepad } });
addEventListeners(this, this.gamepad);
return this;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming
* @name refresh
* @description Refreshes the gamepad state by checking button presses, axes values, and triggers.
* @params {void}
* @returns {void}
this.refresh = function () {
var gamepads = window.navigator.getGamepads();
for (var i = 0; i < gamepads.length; i++) {
var gamepad = gamepads[this.gamepad.id];
var j;
if (!gamepad || !gamepad.connected) { continue; }
for (j = 0; j < gamepad.buttons.length; j++) {
var button = gamepad.buttons[j];
var value = button.value;
var name = this.gamepad.layout[`button${j}`]
if (button.pressed) {
if (!this.gamepad.pressed[name]) {
this.gamepad.pressed[name] = true;
this.gamepad.buttonActions[j].before ? this.gamepad.buttonActions[j].before(value) : false;
this.gamepad.buttonActions[j].action ? this.gamepad.buttonActions[j].action(value) : false;
} else if (this.gamepad.pressed[name]) {
delete this.gamepad.pressed[name];
this.gamepad.buttonActions[j].after ? this.gamepad.buttonActions[j].after(value) : false;
var axesBoxCount = ((gamepad.axes.length + 1) / 2)|0;
for (j = 0; j < axesBoxCount; j++) {
var valueX, valueY, value;
var last_odd_axis = j == axesBoxCount - 1 && gamepad.axes.length % 2 == 1;
valueX = gamepad.axes[j*2];
valueY = last_odd_axis ? 0 : gamepad.axes[j*2 + 1];
[valueX, valueY] = deadzone(valueX, valueY);
[valueX, valueY] = clamp(valueX, valueY);
value = [Number(valueX.toFixed(2)), Number(valueY.toFixed(2))];
const val = gamepad.axes[j + axesBoxCount].toFixed(4);
const axe = Math.floor(j / 2);
this.gamepad.axeValues[axe][j % 2] = val;
var rightTrigger = value[0] >= this.options.joystick.min;
var leftTrigger = value[0] <= -this.options.joystick.min;
var upTrigger = value[1] <= -this.options.joystick.min;
var downTrigger = value[1] >= this.options.joystick.min;
this.trigger('right', rightTrigger, j, value);
this.trigger('left', leftTrigger, j, value);
this.trigger('down', downTrigger, j, value);
this.trigger('up', upTrigger, j, value);
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming
* @name trigger
* @description This function handles triggering actions based on gamepad input. It checks if a specific button or axis is triggered and performs corresponding actions.
* @param {string} id - The identifier of the gamepad input.
* @param {boolean} triggered - Indicates if the input is triggered.
* @param {number} index - The index of the input.
* @param {number[]} value - The value of the input.
this.trigger = function (id, triggered, index, value) {
var actions = this.gamepad.axesActions;
var name = this.gamepad.layout[`${id}${index}`];
var pressed = this.gamepad.pressed
if (triggered) {
if (!pressed[name]) {
pressed[name] = true;
actions[index][id].before ? actions[index][id].before(value) : false
value = [this.options.joystick.max * value[0], this.options.joystick.max * value[1]]
actions[index][id].action ? actions[index][id].action(value) : false;
} else if (pressed[name]) {
delete pressed[name];
if (!pressed['JoyLeftUp'] && !pressed['JoyLeftDown'] && !pressed['JoyLeftLeft'] && !pressed['JoyLeftRight']) {
actions[0][id].after ? actions[0][id].after(value) : false;
if (!pressed['JoyRightUp'] && !pressed['JoyRightDown'] && !pressed['JoyRightLeft'] && !pressed['JoyRightRight']) {
actions[1][id].after ? actions[1][id].after(value) : false;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming
* @name remove
* @description Disconnects and removes the gamepad object.
* @param {Object} gamepad - The gamepad object to be disconnected and removed.
* @returns {void}
this.remove = function() {
this.gamepad.disconnect ? this.gamepad.disconnect() : false;
this.gamepad.remove ? this.gamepad.remove() : false;
this.gamepad = null;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming
* @name setMap
* @description This function updates the map properties using the handleMove function and sets the center, zoom, pitch, and bearing accordingly.
* @param {Function} handleMove - The function used to handle map movement.
* @returns {Object} The updated map object with new properties.
this.setMap = function (handleMove) {
const map = geoflo.map;
const transform = map.transform;
this.map = this.map || {
center: map.getCenter(),
zoom: map.getZoom(),
pitch: map.getPitch(),
bearing: map.getBearing()
var center = this.map.center.x ? this.map.center : this.map.center.lat ? this.map.center : new mapboxgl.LngLat(this.map.center[0], this.map.center[1])
center = center.x ? transform.pointLocation(center) : center;
transform.center = center;
transform.bearing = this.map.bearing;
transform.zoom = this.map.zoom;
transform.pitch = this.map.pitch;
if (this.options.centerMarker && geoflo.centerMarker) this.setMarker();
if (handleMove) geoflo.currentMode.handleMove({ lngLat: !this.options.camera.free ? this.map.center : map.getCenter(), gamepad: this })
return this.map;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming
* @name setContainer
* @description Creates a new HTML element with the specified tag name and class name, appends it to a container if provided, and sets it as the container property of the current object.
* @param {string} tagName - The tag name of the HTML element to create.
* @param {string} className - The class name to assign to the created element (optional).
* @param {HTMLElement} container - The container element to append the created element to (optional).
* @returns {HTMLElement} The created HTML element.
this.setContainer = function (tagName, className, container) {
const el = window.document.createElement(tagName);
if (className !== undefined) el.className = className;
if (container) container.appendChild(el);
this.container = el;
return el;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming
* @name setLocation
* @description This function updates the visibility, left, and top properties of the container element based on the provided value.
* @param {Array<number>} value - An array containing the x and y coordinates for the new location.
* @returns {DOMRect} The bounding rectangle of the container element after the location is set.
this.setLocation = function (value) {
this.container.style.visibility = this.options.debug ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
this.container.style.left = (value[0] + 1) / 2 * 100 + '%';
this.container.style.top = (value[1] + 1) / 2 * 100 + '%';
return this.container.getBoundingClientRect();
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming
* @name setMarker
* @description Sets a marker on the map using the center coordinates provided by the context.
* @return {Object} Returns the marker object created on the map.
this.setMarker = function () {
return geoflo.setCenterMarker({ gamepad: true });
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming
* @name setGamepad
* @description Initializes a gamepad object with specific properties based on the provided gamepad input.
* @param {Object} gamepad - The gamepad object to be processed.
* @returns {Object} - The processed gamepad object with defined properties.
this.setGamepad = function (gamepad) {
var options = {
type: gamepad.id,
connected: gamepad.connected,
id: gamepad.index,
buttons: gamepad.buttons.length,
layout: layout,
axes: Math.floor(gamepad.axes.length / 2),
axeValues: [],
hapticActuator: null,
vibrationMode: -1,
vibration: false,
mapping: gamepad.mapping,
buttonActions: {},
axesActions: {},
pressed: {}
for (let x = 0; x < options.buttons; x++) {
options.buttonActions[x] = () => ({ action: () => { }, after: () => { }, before: () => { } });
for (let x = 0; x < options.axes; x++) {
options.axesActions[x] = {
down: () => ({ action: () => { }, after: () => { }, before: () => { } }),
left: () => ({ action: () => { }, after: () => { }, before: () => { } }),
right: () => ({ action: () => { }, after: () => { }, before: () => { } }),
up: () => ({ action: () => { }, after: () => { }, before: () => { } })
options.axeValues[x] = [0, 0];
if (gamepad.hapticActuators) {
if (typeof gamepad.hapticActuators.pulse === 'function') {
options.haptic = gamepad.hapticActuators;
options.vibrationMode = 0;
options.vibration = true;
} else if (gamepad.hapticActuators[0] && typeof gamepad.hapticActuators[0].pulse === 'function') {
options.haptic = gamepad.hapticActuators[0];
options.vibrationMode = 0;
options.vibration = true;
if (gamepad.vibrationActuator) {
if (typeof gamepad.vibrationActuator.playEffect === 'function') {
options.haptic = gamepad.vibrationActuator;
options.vibrationMode = 1;
options.vibration = true;
this.gamepad = options;
this.hasJoysticks = options.axes > 0 && Object.values(this.gamepad.layout).map(function(m) { return m.includes('Joy') }).filter(function (b) { return b }).length > 0;
return this.gamepad;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming
* @name setCenter
* @description This function calculates the new center of the map based on the input values and gamepad controls. It handles both joystick and D-pad inputs to adjust the map center accordingly.
* @param {Object} value - The value used to calculate the new center of the map.
* @param {boolean} free - A boolean flag indicating if the map center should be set freely.
* @param {boolean} dpad - A boolean flag indicating if the D-pad controls are used for setting the map center.
* @returns {boolean} Returns true after setting the map center.
this.setCenter = function (value, free, dpad) {
var center = geoflo.map.getCenter();
var pressed = this.gamepad.pressed;
var type = this.hasJoysticks ? 'Joy' : 'Dpad';
var diag = Object.keys(pressed).filter(function(p) { return p.includes(type) }).length > 1;
var start = free || dpad ? center : false;
start = geoflo.hotFeature && !start ? geoflo.lastMove || center : false;
start = !start ? center : start;
var end;
if (dpad) {
var bearing = this.map.bearing;
bearing = pressed['Up'] ? bearing :
pressed['Down'] ? bearing + 180 :
pressed['Left'] ? bearing - 90 :
pressed['Right'] ? bearing + 90 :
var dest = turf.destination(turf.point(start), distance, bearing).geometry.coordinates;
lngLats = free ? { lng: dest[1], lat: dest[0] } : dest;
} else if (value) {
var location = this.setLocation(value);
var coords = location && location.x ? [location.x, location.y] : false;
end = geoflo.map.unproject(coords);
var percent = diag ? this.options.pan.speed / 2 : this.options.pan.speed;
var mid = calculateIntermediatePoint([start.lng, start.lat], [end.lng, end.lat], percent)
mid = geoflo.map.getPitch() > 60 ? calculateIntermediatePoint([start.lng, start.lat], [mid[0], mid[1]], 0.4) : mid;
end = mid;
geoflo.lastMove = end;
} else {
var coords = geoflo.hotFeature ? geoflo.hotFeature.geometry.coordinates : false;
end = free ? geoflo.map.getCenter() :
coords ? { lat: coords[coords.length-1][1], lng: coords[coords.length-1][0] } : geoflo.map.getCenter();
geoflo.lastMove = false;
this.setLocation([0, 0]);
this.map.center = end;
return this.setMap(true);
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming
* @name setBearing
* @description This function updates the bearing of the map by adjusting it with the specified value and direction.
* @param {number | Array<number>} value - The value to adjust the bearing by. If dpad is false, it should be an array of numbers, otherwise a single number.
* @param {boolean} left - Indicates the direction of adjustment. If true, the bearing is decreased; otherwise, it is increased.
* @param {boolean} dpad - Specifies whether the value is coming from a dpad input.
* @returns {boolean} Returns the result of calling the setMap function after updating the bearing.
this.setBearing = function (value, left, dpad) {
var bearing = this.map.bearing;
var bearingMulti = !dpad ? Math.abs(value[0]) : value;
if (left) {
bearing = bearing - (this.options.bearing.speed * bearingMulti)
} else {
bearing = bearing + (this.options.bearing.speed * bearingMulti)
this.map.bearing = bearing;
return this.setMap();
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming
* @name setPitch
* @description This function adjusts the pitch of the map by a specified amount in the given direction.
* @param {number|Array<number>} value - The value or array of values to adjust the pitch by.
* @param {boolean} up - A boolean indicating whether the pitch should be increased (true) or decreased (false).
* @param {boolean} dpad - A boolean flag to determine if the value is coming from a D-pad input.
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if the map is successfully updated with the new pitch.
this.setPitch = function (value, up, dpad) {
var pitch = this.map.pitch;
var pitchMulti = !dpad ? Math.abs(value[1]) : value;
if (pitch < 0) pitch = 0;
if (pitch > this.options.pitch.max) pitch = this.options.pitch.max;
if (up) {
pitch = pitch + (this.options.pitch.speed * pitchMulti);
} else {
pitch = pitch - (this.options.pitch.speed * pitchMulti);
this.map.pitch = pitch;
return this.setMap();
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming
* @name setZoom
* @description This function adjusts the zoom level of a map based on the provided value and direction.
* @param {number} value - The amount by which to change the zoom level.
* @param {boolean} out - A flag indicating whether to zoom out (true) or zoom in (false).
* @param {boolean} dpad - A flag indicating the direction of the zoom change.
* @returns {boolean} - Returns the result of setting the map with the new zoom level.
this.setZoom = function (value, out, dpad) {
var zoom = this.map.zoom;
if (out) {
zoom = zoom - ( this.options.zoom.speed * Math.abs(value) )
} else {
zoom = zoom + ( this.options.zoom.speed * Math.abs(value) )
this.map.zoom = zoom;
return this.setMap();
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming
* @name setSpeed
* @description This function calculates the speed of panning based on the provided value and direction. It ensures that the speed falls within the specified minimum and maximum values.
* @param {number} value - The value that influences the speed of panning.
* @param {boolean} down - A boolean flag indicating the direction of panning (true for down, false for up).
* @returns {number} The updated speed of panning after applying the calculations.
this.setSpeed = function (value, down) {
var speed = this.options.pan.speed > this.options.pan.min ?
this.options.pan.speed :
this.options.pan.max && this.options.pan.speed > this.options.pan.max ?
this.options.pan.min :
speed = down ? speed - this.options.pan.min : speed + this.options.pan.min;
speed = speed < this.options.pan.min ? this.options.pan.min :
this.options.pan.max && speed > this.options.pan.max ? this.options.pan.max :
return this.options.pan.speed = speed * Math.abs(value);
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Gaming associateEvent
* @name associateEvent
* @description This function allows the user to associate an event with a callback function for a specific button or axis on the gamepad.
* @param {string} eventName - The name of the event to associate with the callback function.
* @param {function} callback - The callback function to be executed when the event occurs.
* @param {string} type - The type of event (e.g., 'press', 'release') to associate with the callback function.
* @returns {object} The updated gamepad object with the associated event and callback function.
this.associateEvent = function(eventName, callback, type) {
if (eventName.match(/^button\d+$/)) {
const buttonId = parseInt(eventName.match(/^button(\d+)$/)[1]);
if (buttonId >= 0 && buttonId < this.gamepad.buttons) {
this.gamepad.buttonActions[buttonId][type] = callback;
} else {
console.log(buttonId, 'This button is not on gamepad')
} else if (eventName === 'start') {
this.gamepad.buttonActions[9][type] = callback;
} else if (eventName === 'select') {
this.gamepad.buttonActions[8][type] = callback;
} else if (eventName === 'r1') {
this.gamepad.buttonActions[5][type] = callback;
} else if (eventName === 'r2') {
this.gamepad.buttonActions[7][type] = callback;
} else if (eventName === 'l1') {
this.gamepad.buttonActions[4][type] = callback;
} else if (eventName === 'l2') {
this.gamepad.buttonActions[6][type] = callback;
} else if (eventName === 'power') {
if (this.gamepad.buttons >= 17) {
this.gamepad.buttonActions[16][type] = callback;
} else {
} else if (eventName.match(/^(up|down|left|right)(\d+)$/)) {
const matches = eventName.match(/^(up|down|left|right)(\d+)$/);
const direction = matches[1];
const axe = parseInt(matches[2]);
if (axe >= 0 && axe < this.gamepad.axes) {
this.gamepad.axesActions[axe][direction][type] = callback;
} else {
} else if (eventName.match(/^(up|down|left|right)$/)) {
const direction = eventName.match(/^(up|down|left|right)$/)[1];
this.gamepad.axesActions[0][direction][type] = callback;
return this.gamepad;
this.onInit = function (options) {
this.initiated = true;
this.setContainer('div', 'gamepad', geoflo.map.getContainer());
this.onEvent = function (type, key, action, value) {
var pressed = {[action]: true};
var lngLat = this.options.camera.free ? geoflo.map.getCenter() : geoflo.lastMove ? geoflo.lastMove : geoflo.map.getCenter();
var options = {
name: action,
type: type,
key: key,
value: value,
mode: geoflo.currentMode,
gamepad: this,
lngLat: lngLat,
geoflo: geoflo,
originalEvent: {}
if (!this.initiated) this.onInit(options);
geoflo.map.fire(geoflo.id + ':gamepad.' + type, { detail: options });
if (pressed['JoyLeftUp'] || pressed['JoyLeftDown'] || pressed['JoyLeftLeft'] || pressed['JoyLeftRight']) this.options.mapping['JoyLeftMove'](options);
if (pressed['JoyRightUp'] || pressed['JoyRightDown'] || pressed['JoyRightLeft'] || pressed['JoyRightRight']) this.options.mapping['JoyRightMove'](options);
if (pressed['JoyLeftClick']) this.options.mapping['JoyLeftClick'](options);
if (pressed['JoyRightClick']) this.options.mapping['JoyRightClick'](options);
if (pressed['BumpLeft']) this.options.mapping['BumpLeft'](options);
if (pressed['BumpRight']) this.options.mapping['BumpRight'](options);
if (pressed['TrigLeft']) this.options.mapping['TrigLeft'](options);
if (pressed['TrigRight']) this.options.mapping['TrigRight'](options);
if (pressed['A']) this.options.mapping['A'](options);
if (pressed['B']) this.options.mapping['B'](options);
if (pressed['X']) this.options.mapping['X'](options);
if (pressed['Y']) this.options.mapping['Y'](options);
if (pressed['Start']) this.options.mapping['Start'](options);
if (pressed['Select']) this.options.mapping['Select'](options);
if (pressed['Power']) this.options.mapping['Power'](options);
if (pressed['Home']) this.options.mapping['Home'](options);
if (pressed['Misc']) this.options.mapping['Misc'](options);
if (pressed['DpadUp']) this.options.mapping['DpadUp'](options);
if (pressed['DpadDown']) this.options.mapping['DpadDown'](options);
if (pressed['DpadLeft']) this.options.mapping['DpadLeft'](options);
if (pressed['DpadRight']) this.options.mapping['DpadRight'](options);
this.onDisconnect = function (gamepad) {
if (!gamepad || !this.gamepad) return false;
if (this.gamepad.id !== gamepad.id) throw new Error('Gamepad id does not match!');
this.gamepad = null;
export default Gaming;