* @mixin
* @memberof module:geoflo
* @name Control
* @description This module is responsible for creating and managing the control buttons in the Geoflo application.
* @param {Array} controls - An array of control objects to be added to the map.
* @param {Object} options - An object containing options for the control buttons.
* @returns {Object} Returns the Control object.
const Control = function (controls, options={}) {
const geoflo = this.geoflo;
this.controls = controls;
this.options = options;
var rgba = function (hex, alpha) {
hex = hex.trim();
if (hex.includes('rgba')) {
hex = this.hex(hex);
} else {
if (!hex || [4, 7].indexOf(hex.length) === -1) { return false }
hex = hex.substr(1);
if (hex.length === 3) {
hex = hex.split('').map(function (el) { return el + el + ''; }).join('');
var r = parseInt(hex.slice(0, 2), 16),
g = parseInt(hex.slice(2, 4), 16),
b = parseInt(hex.slice(4, 6), 16);
return alpha !== undefined ? "rgba(" + r + " " + g + " " + b + " / " + alpha + "%)" : "rgb(" + r + " " + g + " " + b + ")";
var hex = function (rgba) {
var a,
rgb = rgba.replace(/\s/g, '').match(/^rgba?\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+),?([^,\s)]+)?/i),
alpha = (rgb && rgb[4] || "").trim(),
hex = rgb ? (rgb[1] | 1 << 8).toString(16).slice(1) + (rgb[2] | 1 << 8).toString(16).slice(1) + (rgb[3] | 1 << 8).toString(16).slice(1) : rgba;
if (alpha !== "") {
a = alpha;
} else {
a = 1;
a = ((a * 255) | 1 << 8).toString(16).slice(1)
hex = hex + a;
return hex;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Control
* @name enable
* @description Enables the control buttons.
* @param {Object} control - The control object to enable.
* @returns {Object} Returns the control object.
this.enable = function (position) {
this.position = position || 'top-center';
geoflo.map.addControl(this, this.position);
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Control
* @name disable
* @description Disables the control buttons.
* @returns {Object} Returns the control object.
this.disable = function () {
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Control
* @name onAdd
* @description Adds the control buttons to the map.
* @param {Object} map - The map object to add the control buttons to.
* @returns {Object} Returns the control object.
this.onAdd = function(map) {
if (!this.options) return false;
if (this.options.attribution) return this.setAttribution(map);
this.setTheme(options.colors || geoflo.options.colors);
geoflo.fire('control.add', { control: this, element: this.element });
return this.element;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Control
* @name onRemove
* @description Removes the control buttons from the map.
* @returns {Object} Returns the control object.
this.onRemove = function() {
geoflo.fire('control.remove', { element: this.element, control: this });
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Control
* @name setAttribution
* @description Sets the attribution for the control buttons.
* @returns {Object} Returns the control object.
this.setAttribution = function () {
var attr = Attr(geoflo, this.control, options);
Object.assign(this, attr)
this.setTheme(options.colors || geoflo.options.colors);
geoflo.fire('control.add', { control: this, element: this.element });
return this.element;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Control
* @name setMode
* @description Sets the mode for the control buttons.
* @param {String} mode - The mode to set the control buttons to.
* @returns {Object} Returns the control object.
this.setMode = function (mode) {
geoflo.setActiveButton(!mode ? 'select' : mode === 'draw' ? mode : mode)
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Control
* @name setTheme
* @description Sets the theme for the control buttons.
* @param {Object} colors - The colors to set the theme to.
* @returns {Object} Returns the control object.
this.setTheme = function(colors) {
if (!colors) { return console.error('Control colors not provided!') };
colors.primaryColor ? document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--' + geoflo.id + '-primary-color', rgba(colors.primaryColor)) : false;
colors.primaryBackground ? document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--' + geoflo.id + '-primary-background', rgba(colors.primaryBackground)) : false;
colors.primaryText ? document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--' + geoflo.id + '-primary-text', rgba(colors.primaryText)) : false;
colors.primaryBorder ? document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--' + geoflo.id + '-primary-border', rgba(colors.primaryBorder)) : false;
colors.secondaryColor ? document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--' + geoflo.id + '-secondary-color', rgba(colors.secondaryColor)) : false;
colors.secondaryBackground ? document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--' + geoflo.id + '-secondary-background', rgba(colors.secondaryBackground)) : false;
colors.secondaryText ? document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--' + geoflo.id + '-secondary-text', rgba(colors.secondaryText)) : false;
colors.secondaryBorder ? document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--' + geoflo.id + '-secondary-border', rgba(colors.secondaryBorder)) : false;
geoflo.fire('theme.change', { colors: colors });
return this.getTheme();
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Control
* @name setControl
* @description Sets the control buttons.
* @param {Array} controls - The control buttons to set.
* @returns {Object} Returns the control object.
this.setControl = function (controls) {
if (!controls) return false;
var buttons;
this.element = document.createElement('div');
this.element.className = geoflo.id + '-control-wrap';
this.control = document.createElement('div');
this.control.className = geoflo.statics.constants.classes.PREDEFINED_CONTROL_BASE + ' ' + geoflo.statics.constants.classes.PREDEFINED_CONTROL_GROUP;
if (Array.isArray(controls)) {
buttons = Buttons(this.control, controls);
Object.assign(this, buttons);
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Control
* @name getTheme
* @description Gets the theme for the control buttons.
* @returns {Object} Returns the theme for the control buttons.
this.getTheme = function() {
return geoflo.options.colors;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Control
* @name getButtons
* @description Gets the control buttons.
* @returns {Object} Returns the control buttons.
this.getButtons = function () {
return this._buttons;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Control
* @name getControl
* @description Gets the control buttons.
* @param {String} id - The id of the control button to get.
* @returns {Object} Returns the control button.
this.getControl = function (id) {
var nodes = this.control.childNodes;
if (!nodes.length) return;
var control;
if (id) nodes.forEach(function(n) { if (n.classList.contains(id)) control = n });
return control;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Control
* @name showControl
* @description Shows the control buttons.
* @param {String} id - The id of the control button to show.
* @returns {Object} Returns the control button.
this.showControl = function (id) {
var control = this.getControl(id);
if (!control) return false;
control.style.display = this.position.includes('center') ? 'flex' : 'block';
return control;
* @function
* @memberof module:geoflo.Control
* @name hideControl
* @description Hides the control buttons.
* @param {String} id - The id of the control button to hide.
* @returns {Object} Returns the control button.
this.hideControl = function (id) {
var control = this.getControl(id);
if (!control) return false;
control.style.display = 'none';
return control;
export default Control;
function Buttons(element, controls) {
if (!controls || !element) return false;
var classTypes = ['mode', 'feature', 'mouse'];
var buttonElements = {};
var buttonOptions = {};
var activeButton = null;
var currentControl;
var position;
var currentMapClasses = {
mode: null,
feature: null,
mouse: null
var nextMapClasses = {
mode: null,
feature: null,
mouse: null
const mouseleave = function (event) {
if (!geoflo.currentMode) return false;
geoflo.currentMode.handleOffMap ? geoflo.currentMode.handleOffMap(event) : false;
const mouseover = function (event) {
if (!geoflo.currentMode) return false;
geoflo.currentMode.handleOnMap ? geoflo.currentMode.handleOnMap(event) : false;
controls.forEach(function (control) {
if (!getControlOptions(control)) control.show = false;
createButtons(element, control);
return {
setActiveButton: setActiveButton,
queueMapClasses: queueMapClasses,
updateMapClasses: updateMapClasses,
removeButtons: removeButtons,
getButtonOptions: getButtonOptions,
getButtonElements: getButtonElements,
position: position
function queueMapClasses(options) {
nextMapClasses = geoflo.Utilities.extend(nextMapClasses, options);
function updateMapClasses() {
if (!geoflo.container)
var classesToRemove = [];
var classesToAdd = [];
classTypes.forEach(function (type) {
if (nextMapClasses[type] === currentMapClasses[type])
classesToRemove.push(type + '-' + currentMapClasses[type]);
if (nextMapClasses[type] !== null) {
classesToAdd.push(type + '-' + nextMapClasses[type]);
if (classesToRemove.length > 0) {
var _geoflo$container$classL;
(_geoflo$container$classL = geoflo.container.classList).remove.apply(_geoflo$container$classL, classesToRemove);
if (classesToAdd.length > 0) {
var _geoflo$container$classL2;
(_geoflo$container$classL2 = geoflo.container.classList).add.apply(_geoflo$container$classL2, classesToAdd);
currentMapClasses = geoflo.Utilities.extend(currentMapClasses, nextMapClasses);
function createTitle(options) {
return '' + options.title + (options.key ? ' (' + options.key + ')' : "");
function createButtons(element, control) {
var buttons = document.createElement('div');
var group = (control.group ? control.group.toUpperCase() : control.attribution ? 'ATTR' : 'NONE') + '_GROUP';
buttons.className = '' + geoflo.statics.constants.classes[group] + ' ' + control.type;
buttons.style.display = control.show ? position.includes('center') ? 'flex' : 'block' : 'none';
buttons.style.margin = '0 5px 0 5px';
buttons.addEventListener('mouseover', mouseover);
buttons.addEventListener('mouseleave', mouseleave);
addButtons(control, buttons);
return buttons;
function createBaseButton(id, options) {
if (!currentControl || !currentControl.buttons[id]) return false;
var position = options.position;
var button = options.button || document.createElement('button');
options.key = geoflo.options.keys && geoflo.options.keys[id] ? geoflo.options.keys[id] : options.key;
if (options.title) { button.setAttribute('title', createTitle(options)); }
options["id"] = id;
options["button"] = button;
options.add = function (opts = {}) {
this.button.style.display = 'flex';
this.onAdd ? this.onAdd(opts) : this;
options.remove = function (opts = {}) {
this.button.style.display = 'none';
this.onRemove ? this.onRemove(opts) : this;
options.activate = function () {
this.activated = true;
options.deactivate = function () {
this.activated = false;
options.dontShow ? button.style.display = 'none' : false;
buttonElements[id] = button;
buttonOptions[id] = options;
if (position) {
position = position.includes('right') ? 'left' :
position.includes('left') ? 'right' :
position.includes('bottom') ? 'top' :
position.includes('top') ? 'bottom' :
options.container.tooltipPosition = position;
return button;
function createControlButton(id) {
var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var button = createBaseButton(id, options);
if (!button) return false;
button.className = geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON + ' ' + options.className;
button.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (options.onClick) return options.onClick(e.target, options);
if (e.target === activeButton) {
options.onDeactivate ? options.onDeactivate(options) : false;
} else if (options.onActivate(options)) {
}, true);
return button;
function createOptionButton(id) {
var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var button = createBaseButton(id, options);
if (!button) return false;
button.className = '' + geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON;
if (geoflo.options[options.name] && geoflo.options[options.name].enable) {
} else {
button.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (!geoflo.options[options.name]) { geoflo.options[options.name] = {}; }
if (geoflo.options[options.name].enable) {
if (options.onDeactivate) options.onDeactivate(options);
} else {
}, true);
return button;
function createActionButton(id) {
var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var button = createBaseButton(id, options);
if (!button) return false;
button.className = geoflo.statics.constants.classes.ACTION_BUTTON + ' ' + options.className;
if (id === 'locate' && geoflo.locate) if (geoflo.locate.control) geoflo.locate.control._container.remove();
button.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
}, true);
return button;
function setPosition(control) {
if (!position) {
if (!control.position) throw new Error('The first control needs to have a position')
position = control.position;
function deactivateButtons() {
if (!activeButton) return;
activeButton = null;
function setActiveButton(id) {
var button = !id && geoflo.editMode ? buttonElements['edit'] : !id ? buttonElements['select'] : id === 'edit' ? buttonElements['select'] : buttonElements[id];
if (!button) return;
if (button && id !== 'trash') {
if (button.title.includes('Draw ')) {
if (button.title.includes(geoflo.currentMode.type)) {
activeButton = button;
} else {
function addButtons(control, buttons) {
currentControl = control;
if (control.type === 'modes') {
createControlButton("select", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_SELECT,
key: "s",
title: 'Select Features',
onAdd: function () {
if ((geoflo.editMode || geoflo.drawMode)) {
} else if (geoflo.hasSelection()) {
} else {
onActivate: function onActivate() {
geoflo.noSelect = false;
return true;
onDeactivate: function onDeactivate() {
geoflo.noSelect = true;
createControlButton("edit", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_EDIT,
key: "Enter",
title: 'Edit Feature',
dontShow: true,
onAdd: function () {
this.button.style.display = 'flex';
this.button.style['background-color'] = geoflo.options.colors.secondaryBackground;
onActivate: function onActivate() {
onDeactivate: function onDeactivate() {
onRemove: function (e) {
geoflo.getButtons('save') ? false : createSelect(e);
createControlButton("save", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_FINSIH,
key: "Enter",
title: 'Save Edit',
dontShow: true,
onAdd: function (e) {
this.button.style['background-color'] = geoflo.options.colors.secondaryColor;
onActivate: function onActivate(e) {
geoflo.options.repeatDraw = false;
geoflo.currentMode.handleClick({ finish: true })
} else if (control.type === 'options') {
createActionButton("import", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_IMPORT,
key: "u",
title: 'Import Features',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.loadFeatures();
createActionButton("export", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_EXPORT,
key: "d",
title: 'Export Features',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.saveFeatures();
createActionButton("clear", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_CLEAR,
key: "Delete",
title: 'Delete Selected or All Features',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return true;
createActionButton("undo", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_UNDO,
key: "u",
title: 'Undo Edit',
dontShow: true,
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.currentMode.handleUndo()
createActionButton("redo", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_REDO,
key: "r",
title: 'Redo Edit',
dontShow: true,
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.currentMode.handleRedo()
createActionButton("cancel", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_CANCEL,
key: "Escape",
title: 'Cancel Edit',
dontShow: true,
onActivate: function onActivate() {
geoflo.options.repeatDraw = false;
return geoflo.cancelEdit();
} else if (control.type === 'actions') {
createOptionButton("snapping", {
container: buttons,
name: "snapping",
title: 'Enable/Disable Snapping',
activeClass: geoflo.id + '-snapping-enabled',
inactiveClass: geoflo.id + '-snapping-disabled',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.activateSnapping();
onDeactivate: function onDeactivate() {
return geoflo.deactivateSnapping();
createOptionButton("pinning", {
container: buttons,
name: "pinning",
title: 'Enable/Disable Pinning',
activeClass: geoflo.id + '-pinning-enabled',
inactiveClass: geoflo.id + '-pinning-disabled',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.activatePinning();
onDeactivate: function onDeactivate() {
return geoflo.deactivatePinning();
createOptionButton("routing", {
container: buttons,
name: "routing",
title: 'Enable/Disable Routing',
activeClass: geoflo.id + '-routing-enabled',
inactiveClass: geoflo.id + '-routing-disabled',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.activateRouting();
onDeactivate: function onDeactivate() {
return geoflo.deactivateRouting();
createOptionButton("exploring", {
container: buttons,
name: "exploring",
title: `Enable/Disable Exploring`,
activeClass: geoflo.id + '-exploring-enabled',
inactiveClass: geoflo.id + '-exploring-disabled',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.activateExploring();
onDeactivate: function onDeactivate() {
return geoflo.deactivateExploring();
createOptionButton("painting", {
container: buttons,
name: "painting",
title: 'Enable/Disable Painting',
activeClass: geoflo.id + '-painting-enabled',
inactiveClass: geoflo.id + '-painting-disabled',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.activatePainting();
onDeactivate: function onDeactivate() {
return geoflo.deactivatePainting();
} else if (control.type === 'types') {
createControlButton("polyline", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_LINE,
key: "l",
title: 'Draw Polyline',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.setMode({
mode: geoflo.statics.constants.modes.DRAW,
type: "Polyline"
onDeactivate: function onDeactivate() {
createControlButton("polygon", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_POLYGON,
key: "p",
title: 'Draw Polygon',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.setMode({
mode: geoflo.statics.constants.modes.DRAW,
type: "Polygon"
onDeactivate: function onDeactivate() {
createControlButton("rectangle", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_RECTANGLE,
key: "r",
title: 'Draw Rectangle',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.setMode({
mode: geoflo.statics.constants.modes.DRAW,
type: "Rectangle"
onDeactivate: function onDeactivate() {
createControlButton("circle", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_POINT,
key: "o",
title: 'Draw Circle',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.setMode({
mode: geoflo.statics.constants.modes.DRAW,
type: "Circle"
onDeactivate: function onDeactivate() {
createControlButton("text", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_TEXT,
key: "t",
title: 'Draw Text',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.setMode({
mode: geoflo.statics.constants.modes.DRAW,
type: "Text"
onDeactivate: function onDeactivate() {
createControlButton("icon", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON,
key: "i",
title: 'Draw Icon',
onActivate: async function onActivate() {
return geoflo.setMode({
mode: geoflo.statics.constants.modes.DRAW,
type: "Icon"
onDeactivate: function onDeactivate() {
} else if (control.type === 'utils') {
createControlButton("repeat", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_REPEAT,
key: "`",
title: 'Repeat Selected Mode',
onClick: function (target, options) {
geoflo.options.repeatDraw = !geoflo.options.repeatDraw;
geoflo.options.repeatDraw ? options.activate() : options.deactivate();
createActionButton("zoom", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_ZOOM_IN_FEATURES,
key: "x",
title: 'Zoom to Extent',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.zoomToFeatures();
createActionButton("refresh", {
container: buttons,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_REFRESH,
key: "q",
title: 'Refresh',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.refresh();
/* createActionButton("delete-snap", {
container: action2Group,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_DELETE_SNAP,
title: 'Delete Snap Layer Features',
onAction: function onAction() {
return geoflo.deleteMeshData();
}); */
/* createControlButton("cut", {
container: controlGroup,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_CUT,
key: "a",
title: 'Cut Features',
onActivate: function onActivate() {
return geoflo.setMode(geoflo.statics.constants.modes.CUT);
}); */
/* createActionButton("combine", {
container: action2Group,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_COMBINE_FEATURES,
title: 'Combine Features',
key: '+',
onAction: function onAction() {
return geoflo.combineFeatures();
}); */
/* createActionButton("group-elements", {
container: action2Group,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_GROUP_FEATURES,
key: "g",
title: 'Group Similar Features',
onAction: function onAction() {
return geoflo.groupFeatures();
createActionButton("ungroup-elements", {
container: action2Group,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_UNGROUP_FEATURES,
key: "G",
title: 'Ungroup Similar Features',
onAction: function onAction() {
return geoflo.ungroupFeatures();
}); */
/* createActionButton("create-polygon", {
container: action2Group,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_CREATE_POLYGON,
key: 'p',
title: 'Create Polygon from Selected Feature',
onAction: function onAction() {
return geoflo.createPolygon();
}); */
/* createActionButton("hide-selected", {
container: action2Group,
className: geoflo.statics.constants.classes.CONTROL_BUTTON_HIDE_SELECTED,
title: 'Hide Selected Feature',
onAction: function onAction() {
return geoflo.hideFeatures();
}); */
function removeButtons() {
Object.keys(buttonElements).forEach(function (buttonId) {
var button = buttonElements[buttonId];
if (button.parentNode) {
} else if (button) {
delete buttonElements[buttonId];
delete buttonOptions[buttonId];
function getControlOptions(control) {
if (!control) return false;
var controls = geoflo.options.controls && typeof geoflo.options.controls === 'object';
if (!controls && geoflo.options.controls) return true;
var dontShow = controls ? !geoflo.options.controls[control.type] : false
return dontShow || control.dontShow || !geoflo.options.controls ? false : true;
function getButtonOptions() {
return buttonOptions;
function getButtonElements() {
return buttonElements;